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Links to End of Year Process Documentation

This page provides quick access to TASS end-of-year help documents and videos.

Please review each How To/Checklist to determine the order in which to complete the processes.

Academic Reporting

☑️ HOW TO: Academic Reporting Checklist - End of Reporting Period

Student Records

☑️ HOW TO: Student Records End of Year Processes Checklist

▶️ VIDEO: Student Records End of Year Processes


☑️ HOW TO: Timetable Rollover Checklist (Year and Term/Semester)


☑️ HOW TO: End of Year Payroll Processing

(question) FAQ: End of Year Payroll Processing FAQ  

General Ledger

☑️ HOW TO: Month End Checklist

☑️ HOW TO: Year End Checklist

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