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PR - Update Pay Run

Update Pay Run Overview

This program sets the current pay run status to 'R' (Running). It updates the month-to-date and year-to-date information for payments and accruals.

It also produces a final copy of the pay run edit list and saves it in TASS.doc. This edit list is then available through program Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Preparation > Edit Listing by clicking on the 'History' icon.

An automatic backup will be generated upon a successful update of a payroll. If required, and after careful consideration, the backup can be restored using program Payroll HRM > Payroll > Special Processes > Restore Pay Run.

General Tab

If Single Touch Payroll is enabled, the date and time of the successful completion of the update will be captured for each Payroll Number and is included in the Pay Event data transmitted to the ATO using program Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Single Touch Payroll Processing.

If the message 'This Payroll has no Calendar Dates' is displayed you will need to use program Payroll HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Calendars to set up the payroll calendar for this payroll.


After this update has been run successfully it is no longer possible to edit employee timesheets (unless a backup is restored and this should only be done with careful consideration).

You must ensure that the Edit Listing is correct prior to running this update.


When this update has been run the following message will display for the Payroll Number 'Update Pay Run completed successfully. This Payroll is at the Processing Stage.'

If Single Touch Payroll is enabled, the following messages may be displayed for a Payroll Number:



'Unable to Update. This Payroll has incomplete Pay / Update Events.'

The incomplete Pay/Update event for this payroll must be successfully submitted to the ATO in program Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Single Touch Payroll Processing.

'Unable to Update. This pay run is in the YYYY tax year but the Payment Date will be in the YYYY+1 tax year.'

This error will only occur where the current date is in the new tax year (i.e. 1 July or after) and the period end date for this payroll has been flagged in the Payroll Calendar as belonging to the previous tax year.

You will not be able to proceed with the pay run in this scenario.

Contact the TASS Helpdesk for guidance on the options available to you.

Tick the checkbox(s) next to the payroll(s) for which you want to run this update.

Click the 'GO' button to continue.

Exception Reporting

The update will perform several checks and will not proceed if it encounters a problem. It will generate an exception report if one or more of the following errors are found:

  1. 'Invalid GL account codes'.

  2. 'Payroll NN does not balance.

  3. 'The Accruals for Payroll NN do not balance'.

  4. 'Employee [Code + Name] : Normal Envelope does not balance'.

  5. 'Employee [Code + Name] : Adjustment Envelope does not balance'.

  6. 'Employee [Code + Name] : Normal Envelope has not been calculated'.

  7. 'Employee [Code + Name] : Adjustment Envelope has not been calculated'.

  8. 'Employee [Code + Name] : Accrual Envelope has not been calculated'.

If you received any of these messages you will need to go back to your edit listing and look for the employee timesheet(s) that have the problem. You should then rectify the problem and then rerun and recheck your edit list until it is clear.

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