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PR - Edit Listing

The ‘Edit Listing’ program in the TASS.web Payroll > Pay Run Preparation program provides details of all payments and accruals for each employee in this pay run.


  1. This list should be generated in full (with no filters) reviewed and checked in detail before proceeding to the pay run processing stage. 

  2. If you find errors and subsequently rectify them using TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Preparation > Timesheets then this report should re re-run and re-checked.

  3. If invalid GL account codes are found, an 'Invalid GL Accounts Listing' will be generated. These invalid GL accounts must be resolved immediately as you will not be able to proceed to the pay run processing stage.

  4. If employees with Concessional Superannuation Contributions that exceed the Contribution Cap amount or the Early Warning amount are found, a 'Superannuation Contributions Cap Warning Listing' will be generated. This requires Super Contributions Cap Parameters to be set up in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Superannuation Funds on the 'Super Parameters' tab.

  5. Payments will be checked for compliance with various ATO requirements. If exceptions are found, an 'Invalid Payment Transactions Listing' will be generated. These exceptions must be resolved immediately as you will not be able to proceed to the pay run processing stage. If there are invalid ETP Payments refer to How to Resolve Invalid ETP Payments.

  6. A 'Bank Account Fraud Detection Exceptions' report will disclose any exceptions where employee bank accounts (including banking deductions) do not match the latest bank audit record.
    Note: This report will appear on a separate page immediately after the 'Superannuation Contributions Cap Warnings' report (if anything is disclosed).

If you run the edit list with the 'Include Hyperlink' box ticked, the employee's name on the report will include a hyperlink from which you can drill down to the timesheet.

General Tab

Tick the box(s) next to the payroll(s) for which you want to produce an edit list.

Use the 'Search Criteria' at the bottom of the screen to filter the edit list to only contain pay information for employees belonging to one or more:

  • Awards.

  • Pay Points.

  • Employment Status.

e.g. You may use these filters if you had different people checking the edit list. 

In most cases, you would run the edit list for the entire payroll.

Click the 'Print' tab.

Print Tab

If you want to run the edit list with the program defaults just click the 'Go' button.

There are, however several options available to customize the output of your report:

Sorting options

Available on the left side of the screen.

Formatting options

Choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel ®, Microsoft Word ® or a screen with hyperlinks.

The 'Screen with Hyperlinks' format is best if you need to 'drill-down' to further information.

The right side of the screen enables formatting options including: 'Show Table Borders' and 'Alternate Row Colours'.

The 'Alternate Row Colours' option significantly improves the readability of the report.

Report Options/Pay Envelope Options

Some example of combinations available in this area and their potential use:

To select only employees who have a variation to their standard pay in this pay run:

  • 'Print Accrual Details' – un-tick.

  • 'Include automatic pay envelopes' - un-tick.

To select only employees where the system has detected a problem with their pay:

  • 'Print Accrual Details' – un-tick.

  • 'Print exception messages only' – tick.

To produce a list of payment totals only:

  • 'Print Accrual Details' – un-tick.

  • 'Print envelope totals only' – tick.

To produce a list of adjustment envelopes only:

  • Select 'Adjustment Envelopes Only'.

To produce a list of employees whose pay is different from the last pay run:

  • 'Print Accrual Details' – un-tick.

  • 'Print Payment Details' – tick.

  • 'Print Pay Differences' – tick (and select 'Before Tax', 'Tax', 'After Tax' or 'Net Pay).

Report Layouts

The default option for this edit listing is to run it as a 'Detailed Edit Listing'.

Alternatively, it can be run as a report that for each employee will highlight the previous pay, this pay and any difference. 

To run the listing in this mode check the 'Pay Differences Summary using…' radio button and select to have the comparison based on 'Before Tax', 'Tax', 'After Tax' or 'Net Pay'.

A 'Terminated Employees Listing' is automatically generated and included at the end of the report. It will include a warning if a terminated employee has to leave accruals with a balance.

A 'Current Employees Not Paid Listing' is automatically generated and included at the end of the report. It will list all current employees not receiving a pay (normal envelope) in the current pay run and it shows the date of their last pay.

History Button

To access a history of previous edit listings, click on the 'History' button at the top of the 'Edit Listing' screen.

You can access the history in either of two formats:

  • PDF document. 

This format is best for printing the history of edit listings.

  • Screen with Hyperlinks. 

This format is best if you need to 'drill-down' to open the attached report. 

Click on the 'View' link in the 'Attachments' column.

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