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Parent Lounge Deposit Refund

*Template NameDeposit Refund Task
*TriggerWhen Parent Lounge Tasks are created for parents to enter their Bank Details.
*Email SubjectDeposit Refund Task to Complete
*CategoryParent Lounge Deposit Refund
Attachment FileOptional.
Message Body

Dear <<Parent Salutation>>

The school is preparing to process a refund of the following deposit:

Deposit Amount: <<Deposit Amount>>

Student Reference: <<Student Code>>, <<Student First Name>> <<Student Surname>>

This refund will be paid by bank transfer. Before we can proceed, you must provide your Bank Account details. To do this, there is a task in Parent Lounge for you to complete. Click the link below to complete this task.

Click here to complete this Task in Parent Lounge

This is an automated email. Please do not reply
This email was intended solely for the addressee.

Student Preferred Surname: <<Student Preferred Surname>>
Student Preferred Name: <<Student Preferred Name>>

The default system email message contains the above text and keywords (the keywords are bracketed << >>).

This message can be changed via the 'Email Settings' program using a combination of text and the keywords provided.

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