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PAC - Generate Split Bill Transactions


The TASS.web Parent Accounts ‘Generate Split Bill Transactions’ program will prepare dormant transactions that are generated into live transactions by running the auto-billing. 

The split billing arrangements are set up in TASS.web Finance > Parent Records > Billing Cycle > Split Billing Accounts.

These dormant transactions can be viewed by using TASS.web Finance > Parent Records > Billing Cycle > Special Transactions and ticking the 'Include Split Bill Transactions' box only.

You need to nominate the 'Billing / Discount Structure Rules' period, 'Students Current as at' date and 'Subject Year / Semester' before generating the split bill transactions. These need to be the same as you will be using for your auto-billing. 

Refer to TASS.web Finance > Parent Records > Billing Cycle > Auto Account Billing for detailed descriptions of these fields. 

Click on the 'GO' button to generate your Split Bill Transactions.

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