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MER - Supplementary Info Tab


The Student Medical 'Supplementary Info' tab is used to add, view, edit and delete any ancillary medical information that provides a complete representation of the student's health, such as testing of hearing, sight and fine motor skills.

Adding Supplementary Info

To add new supplementary information, use the 'Add Supplementary' button.

The 'Add Supplementary Information' pop-up screen allows you to enter the ancillary medical information and any 'Additional Details'.

Fields that require further explaination

Supplementary Code

A mandatory field that requires you to enter a code or select from a drop-down list of ancillary information categories that have been set up by your school.


HEA     Hearing Test.

MSK     Fine Motor Skills.

The same code may not be recorded more than once for any given student. The Supplementary code will be not be shown in the drop-down list once it has been used for that student.

Additional Details

Record the details pertaining to the supplementary information.

Example: EYE  Eye Test – Oval stigmatism in the left eye, common in people with allergies.

Viewing and Editing Supplementary Info

Once supplementary information has been added, the 'Action' column in the 'Supplementary Info' tab provides the 'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' options.

The 'View Supplementary Information', 'Edit Supplementary Information' and 'Delete Supplementary Information' pop-up windows display the information to be actioned.

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