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How to Sync My Calendar to an External Calendar

It is possible to link your calendar feeds with an external calendar, such as Outlook or Google.






TASS.web > System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions > Teacher Kiosk

Enable the 'Calendar Feed Sync' permission for relevant users so that they are able to sync their calendar feeds to an external product.



TASS.web > System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions> Teacher Kiosk

Enable the administrator 'Calendar Feeds (Setup)' permission for the relevant users to set up the default 'Sync Range Date'.



Staff Kiosk > Calendar Feeds (Setup)

Enter the default 'Sync Date Range' for each Calendar Feed.

These dates apply to all users when they perform a sync; it is not possible for individual users to select their own date range.



Staff Kiosk > Calendar > My Calendar

Create a shareable link for each calendar feed you wish to sync to your external calendar.

Click here for instructions on creating a shareable link.

Click on the '+' icon to open Calendar Feed Sync Details screen.

Click the Generate button to create a Shareable Link, and confirm when prompted.

Click on the '!' icon that now appears and click Copy to store the link in your computer clipboard.



Perform the necessary steps to import your Staff Kiosk calendar feed into your external calendar. 

Refer to your external product's instructions on importing/adding a calendar.

Click here for Google instructions.

In your Google Calendar:

1. On the left, next to 'Other calendars', click the plus icon and 'From URL'.

2. Paste the shareable link created in Staff Kiosk.

3. Click 'Add calendar'. The calendar will show on the left.

4. Repeat for each Staff Kiosk calendar feed.

Note: It can take up to 24 hours for changes to show in your Google Calendar.

Click here for Outlook Instructions

In your Outlook calendar:

1. Select 'Add calendar'.

2. Select 'Subscribe from web'.

3. Paste the shareable link created in Staff Kiosk.

4. Name and customise this calendar.

5. Select 'Import'.

6. Repeat for each Staff Kiosk calendar feed.

Note: It can take up to 24 hours for changes to show in your Outlook Calendar.



Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each calendar feed you wish to sync with your external calendar.


Calendar Feed Sync Icons

Each calendar feed displays a sync icon indicating the following:

Shareable link has not been created.


Shareable link has been created but has not been synced in more than 30 days.

 Shareable link has been created and data has been synced in the last 30 days.

Calendar Feed Sync Details

The Calendar Feed Sync Details will display when selecting one of the Sync icons. The Generate button will show if a feed does not have a current link established.

Generate: Create a Shareable Link for your external calendar, and confirm when prompted.

Once a link has been established, the Copy, Revoke and Change options will be available upon clicking a link icon.

Copy: Copy the generated link to be pasted into your external calendar.

Revoke: Delete the current link from functioning.

Change: Delete the current link from functioning and create a new shareable link.

Calendar Feed Request History

Details of the feed request history are recorded for security purposes and are displayed when accessing the Calendar Feed Sync Details screen.

Use the ‘Save to Calendar’ link from a School calendar event to download the details (in iCal format) to add to your external calendar as an appointment.

View a video demonstration: Calendar Sync

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