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How to Implement the Business Directory

This document outlines the setup requirements to implement the Business Directory software that is included with the TASS.web Fundraising module.





Activate the Business Directory Portal

Use TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Product Activation Maintenance.



Customise the Appearance of the Business Directory Portal.

  1. Replace the default logo installed (the TASS logo) file with your own school logo. This is located on your web server at: x:\Tassportal\businessdirectory\images\logo\logo_bd1.gif


The dimensions of the logo must be 162 (w) x 100 (h) pixels.

  1. Replace the default banner with your own school banner. This is located on your web server at:
    x:\Tassportal\businessdirectory\images\ client\TASSbanner_bd1.gif


The dimensions of the banner must be 600 (w) x 100 (h) pixels.



Create the Business Directory Listings.

Using program Finance > Fundraising > Donor Information > Business Directory create a Business Directory Listing to test that the Business Directory is configured correctly. 

Ensure this test listing is created using a 'Platinum' listing type so that you can ensure both the listing logo and the listing banner display correctly.

Once the Business Directory listing has been created, navigate to the Business Directory URL and test all images and the test listing displays correctly. 

The URL for the Business Directory is: http://[domainname]/BusinessDirectory/index.cfm

Where [domainname] is your TASS.web domain.

The banner for the platinum listing may not display when the Business Directory first loads. You may need to refresh the screen a few times (by pressing F5 on your keyboard) as a different platinum banner loads for each visitor to the Business Directory.


Delete the 'test' Directory Listing if you do not wish to retain it within the directory. To delete the listing, use TASS.web program Finance > Fundraising > Donor Information > Business Directory, locate the donor which you used, select the records, and then click 'Delete'.



Test the Business Directory Portal.

Navigate to the Business Directory portal and test that all images and listings display correctly. 



Enable the Business Directory in Parent Lounge.

Use TASS.web program Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Lounge Setup.

You may also want to make your Business Directory portal accessible publicly, off your school's website.



Publish the Business Directory on Your Website.

Your school's website administrator or IT staff may wish to place a link on the school's website to enable the general community access.

Ensure the URL for the Business Directory is accessible from the World Wide Web. Test the URL by using a machine which is not connected to the school's network.


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