FUN - Business Directory
The TASS.web Fundraising ‘Business Directory’ is an excellent potential source of revenue for your school. This program is used to enter donors into the business directory. The public component is then displayed on your website as a service to your school community.
Many schools charge an annual subscription for each donor listed in the business directory hence becoming a good source of revenue to the school.
Businesses are categorised into types. As an example, someone visiting the online business directory may want to look up 'Motor Dealers' who have a connection with the school.
Business address, website information and logos can be stored for each Donor Business Directory record.
Each 'Listing' in the Business Directory has to be attached to a donor record. If the 'Listing' is not a donor then add them first using Finance > Fundraising > Donor Information > Donors.
Donor Business Selection
To view or edit a Donor Business Directory record, use the Picker Screens or Search Engine to search for records in the database.
Searchable fields for the picker are 'Donor Link' and 'Donor Status'.
Click the 'GO' button (or press 'Enter') to execute the search and populate the 'Donor Picker' with the matching records.
Once a donor has been selected from the picker a summary of the record will appear in the Summary Information pane. The 'Select' button at the bottom of the Summary Information pane will populate the multi-tabbed 'Donor Business Directory' screen.
Donors with existing business directory 'Listings' will be indicated with a '+' in the 'Donor Picker' panel. If the donor's Business Directory Listing facility is disabled, then the donor will be indicated with a '-' in the 'Donor Picker' panel.
The 'Donor Link' pre-selector is particularly useful in that it allows you to quickly narrow your search down to all donors who are current parents or past students etc.
Search Engine
Enter a search string directly into the 'Search' field at the top right of the screen. Click on the 'Lookup' (binoculars) icon or press 'Enter' key to execute the search.
The searchable fields are:
Donor number, Surname, Contact Name, Salutation, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3, Town, Suburb, Post Code, Country, email, Salutation, Occupation Description, Parent Code, Status Description and Group Description.
Search strings entered into the search engine are not case sensitive. Wildcards can also be used within this field to broaden the search.
The Search Results pane will display the matching records. Select the record to populate the multi-tabbed 'Donor Business Directory' screen.
Donor Business Directory Screen
These screens display the following tabs in a multi-tabbed layout – 'Business Address' and 'Directory Info' tabs. Click on the required tab to access fields and enter or view Donor Business Directory information.
Business Address Tab
Enter the address details that will be displayed for this 'Listing' on the school's public 'Business Directory'.
Directory Info Tab
This is where you can attach logos and banners that will be displayed for this 'Listing' on the school's 'Business Directory'.
Fields that require detailed information | |
Enabled Flag* | Allows you to turn this listing off for the public business directory. |
Sponsor Level* | Three types of listings are supported:
Charge Amount* | A description field to indicate the annual charge amount for this listing. |
Expiry Date | A date field that indicates the renewal or expiry date. |
Logo | Use the 'Choose File' button to attach a logo to display for this listing. Guidelines for logo size are 200x150 pixels. If this is not adhered to then the page will not be displayed correctly. |
Banner | Use the 'Choose File' button to attach a logo to display as a banner advertisement for this listing. Guidelines for logo size are 600x100 pixels. If this is not adhered to then the page will not be displayed correctly. The banner field only becomes available if the donor is a Platinum level sponsor. |
Comments | There is a 'word' search engine in the public business directory. The comments here are displayed on the public business directory for this listing and are included in the search engine. Click the ‘Spell Check’ button to check and correct spelling in this field. |
Business Type(s) | Select a single or multiple Business Type(s). In the Business Directory, businesses are categorised into types. For example, someone visiting the online business directory may want to look up 'Motor Dealers' who have a connection with the school. This is a multi-select field. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options enables a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows individual selection of additional fields. Click ‘Modify Business Types’ to create, edit or delete the available Business Types in the list. |
Website Address | This allows the listing to have a URL that will take the person accessing the school's public business directory to the listing's directory. Ensure that your school has a policy to check that the websites entered here are suitable to be associated with your school. Extreme care should be exercised here! |