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How to Enable the Parent Orbit Extra Curricular Hub

For an overview on the Extra Curricular (EC) Hub features, check out this information page


  1. You must be licensed for the Parent Orbit app.

  2. You must be using the TASS Extra Curricular module.

There are three areas in particular that the hub relies on to work.



Summary Description



TASS.web program Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup > 'Activities' tab

Review the following 'Activity' related fields that are visible in the Parent Orbit EC Hub: 

  • Activities checked for 'Display in Portal'. 

  • Sport Information. 

  • Contact Details. 

  • UD fields.  

  • Complete


TASS.web program Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup > 'Activity Types' tab

Select a Portal Icon for each 'Activity Type'. 

  • Complete


TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance

Click on the 'OAuth2 API Applications' tab.

Enable Outh Scope - API Access to:

☑ Extra Curricular Fixtures

☑ Extra Curricular Sign Up

☑ Fixture Attachment

☑ Get Extra Curricular Attachments

☑ Session Information

☑ Student Extra Curricular

  • Complete


Staff Kiosk program Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Scheduler

Scheduled Sessions and Fixtures will be visible within the EC Hub.

Cross activities in EC Hub and Extra Curricular Schedule to ensure set up is correct. 

If data is missing from EC Hub, revise Steps 1 and 3.

Scheduled Sessions and Fixtures are also available to view in TASS.web program Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Student Information > Activity Groups > Hamburger menu > Sessions.  

  • Complete

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