How to Create VASS Upload Files
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority is responsible for maintaining VASS (Victorian Assessment Software System). VASS is a web-based application that Victorian schools use to submit information regarding their student's personal details and student programs.
TASS.web has the ability to produce the upload files required for importing your data into VASS.
The files that TASS.web produces for VASS are as follows:
Student Personal Details Data File
This file is generated using the TASS.web software and is used to upload student personal data into VASS (preventing the need to manually rekey). This file can be used to initially upload student data at the beginning of the school year, and to also upload amendments to Student Personal Details throughout the year as changes occur. (E.g. Address or changes to student course codes).
Student's Programs File
This file is generated using the TASS.web software and is used to upload student program data into VASS. This file can be used to initially upload your student programs at the beginning of the school year and to also add new programs to students later in the year (as permitted by VASS)
Important! In order to successfully create the Student Programs File, specific setups on your subject records will be required.
These are:
VCE or VCAL subjects must have a Subject Category Code of either 'VCE' or 'VCAL'.
The relevant VCAA unit code/s must be entered against each VCE Subject using the Senior Semester Unit fields.
There are 4 Senior Semester Unit fields available on each subject record.
It is OK to use two of the Senior Semester Unit fields (for sequential units), provided that both units will be studied by students within the same study year.
Tip! To review these settings on your subjects, use the TASS.web program Student Records > Setup Information > Subject Grid.
TASS.web also has the ability to import a VASS Student Export File that contains student VCAA Student codes.
For further information or instructions regarding the process of importing files into VASS and/or creating the VASS Student Export File, please refer to the following VCAA website links (links current as at January 2012)
VCAA Website
VASS New Users Manual
How to create the VASS 'Student Personal Details' Data File
Step | Function | Description | |
1 | Review Student VASS Data within TASS.web using the VASS Student Data Grid. | Student Personal data relating to VASS can be reviewed and maintained within a Data Grid using TASS.web program Student Records > Government Returns > VASS Processing (Vic) > Student Details Data Grid/Export. In particular, use the data grid to populate a 'Course Code' value against each student that needs to be reported to VCAA. Please note that TASS.web will initialise the Declaration field for each new student to a value of 'N'. Ensure you populate any 'Previous Given Names', 'Previous Second Name's and 'Previous Surnames' for any student where relevant. Tip! Leave the 'Course Code' blank for any students whose details should not be uploaded to VCAA. Tip! Selecting the 'Print' option within the data grid will provide a report on your existing VASS data. The 'Print' option is disabled whenever data within the Grid has not been saved. | |
2 | Create the export file | The Student Personal Details Data file is created using TASS.web program Student Records > Government Returns > VASS Processing (Vic) > Student Details Data Grid/Export. Once the Student VASS data is displayed within the Data Grid, select the 'Export' option. Tip! The 'Export' option is disabled whenever data within the grid has not been saved. Choose the relevant run time options and select Export. Important! If an exception message appears regarding address record truncation then you will need to view the exception report and then either alter the respective student address details within TASS.web (before producing the export file) or alternatively alter the address within VASS after the file has been imported. These exceptions can occur due to TASS.web having a larger address block structure than VASS. |
How to Create the VASS 'Student Programs' Data File
Step | Function | Description | |
1 | Ensure the 'Student Personal Details' data file process (above) has been completed successfully. | ||
2 | Optional: Import your student's VCAA Student numbers by creating an export file using VASS and importing into TASS.web. | Refer to VASS guides for creating the export file, and then use TASS.web program Student Records > Government Returns > VASS Processing (Vic) > VCAA Student Numbers Import to import the data. | |
3 | Ensure that all students being reported to VCAA have the correct subjects allocated. | Print and review class lists using TASS.web program Student Records > Student Classes > Class Lists | |
4 | Ensure that all VCE subjects within the TASS.web database have been configured correctly | Each VCE subject record (within TASS.web) must be configured as per above. This is to ensure that only the correct VCAA unit codes (programs) are uploaded to VASS. | |
5 | Maintain Assessing Schools and Focus Areas for individual Students. | If a student who is attending your school is not being assessed for any VCE or VCAL unit at your school (i.e. attending a TAFE course), then you will need to enter the assessing school's VCAA Code or DEECD Code for that respective unit. Use TASS.web program Student Records > Government Returns > VASS Processing (Vic) > Maintain Assessing Schools / Focus Area | |
6 | Create the Export File | The Student Programs Data file is created using TASS.web program Student Records > Government Returns > VASS Processing (Vic) > Student Programs Export. |