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Fundraising (FUN)


The TASS.web Fundraising module will enable your school fundraising officer or foundation administration staff to work from anywhere that they can access the Internet.

TASS Fundraising provides a single point, 'holistic' view of a donor's details. From the one web page entry point, the following details are available: contact, address, linkages (Past Student, Current Parent), community, school definable fields, notes, pledge history, commitment, donation history, 'potentiality' tracking, children, reminders, event preferences and event history.

The Events Organiser provides a tool to create invitation lists, generate mail merges for Word® or email invitations, record acceptances and record guest preferences such as menu choices, table preferences and seating plans.

TASS Fundraising will also become the 'hub' for electronic communication with donors via email and mail merging facilities. Pledge reminders, donation thank you letters, receipts or general reminders can all be customised to your foundation's standards.

The Tracking facility allows the fundraising officer to establish donor potentiality from both a monetary and 'likelihood' perspective. Activities undertaken for each potential donor can be added to the database. Volunteers can be assigned to individual donors to widen the fundraising support network. The Tracking Report allows analysis based on 'likelihood' and potential donation value.

A daily or weekly reminder system is available that alerts the fundraising officer of immediate items to be actioned. Reminders can be notation based or linked to a particular pledge.

The donation system may also be integrated to TASS Receipting. This means payments from parents that also include a building fund component can be recorded in Fundraising. By operating in this mode the school can gain a comprehensive snapshot of a parent's total giving including both fee-based building fund payments and other donations.

Receipting is also available for non-parent type donations. Optionally, the receipting function can be divided between the accounts department and the foundation. The accounts department can enter the receipt details and process the banking, whilst the fundraising officer can use an edit screen to allocate the receipt to the appropriate appeal or pledge.

The appeal and pledge system within Fundraising includes the following features:

  • Pledge and donation tracking for each appeal.

  • Pledge worksheets.

  • Appeal 'Mail Merge' facilities.

  • Pledge entry and maintenance.

  • Pledge reporting.

  • Pledge follow-up.

  • Calculation of a pledge schedule based on frequency for each pledge.

  • Daily or weekly pledge reminder system.

  • Pledge projection reporting.

  • Donations, either monetary or other, can be processed independently or in conjunction with pledges.

The System provides:

  • Pledge and Donations reporting analysis by appeal, by donor type (parent, past students etc), by date range, by pledge or donation value.

  • A user-definable donor status facility.  This allows the operator to nominate donation total levels and the corresponding donor status.  As a donor's contribution increases, the system can change the status according to these user-defined limits.

Fundraising is integrated with TASS ParentEnrolments and Past Students modules. This is consistent with our one database approach, effectively eliminating the need to make changes in several areas for the same individual.

TASS Fundraising features user-definable fields. These fields give the fundraising officer the ability to design the database records for donors. 

A facility is available to rapidly create donor records from existing parent, enrolment, past student and teacher records held on the TASS database. This facility greatly reduces the time required to implement the fundraising module.

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