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ENR - Enrolment Receipts Listing


The Enrolment Receipts Listing enables the user to produce a listing of enrolment receipts for each parent account returned by the nominated search criteria.

The report will print all enrolment receipt types including 'General', 'Deposit' and 'Advance' fee type receipts. For a detailed description of these receipt types and how they work see 'Receipt Details' on TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments.

This report only provides details for future enrolments. Once a student has been transferred into current, if they have an enrolment receipt of a 'Deposit' type, then information about this deposit is available through TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Student Deposit Refunds > Student Deposit Report. You can use both of these reports to calculate a total of Student Deposits held which can then be reconciled back to the appropriate General Ledger Account.

You can define criteria for the report by entering search criteria into the 'General' and 'Status' tabs.

Print Tab

Sort Options

The default is for the report to sort by 'Parent Code'.

Alternatively, you can elect to sort by 'Student Code', 'Student Surname', 'Receipt Number', 'Receipt Date', or 'Receipt Type'.

Formatting Options

The 'Print' tab allows you to choose the 'destination' of your report. This can be to the Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®. Sorting options are also available on the left side of the screen.

There are also checkboxes to indicate your preference for displaying 'Table Borders' and 'Alternative Row Colours'. These can enhance readability but are not available if your listing destination is Excel®.

Include Student with Zero Balance

By default, the report will exclude enrolled students who have a zero balance (the original receipt and refund transactions).

Tick this option to include these enrolled students in your report.

Sub-total by sort field

Tick this option to include a sub-total of transactions based on the 'Sort By' value nominated for this report.

Additional Fields

Select 'Additional Fields' to include receipt specific information in your listing by highlighting them with a mouse click.

The 'Parent Code', 'Student Code', 'Student Name', 'Entry Yr Group' and 'Entry Yr' fields are automatically included and are not available for selection.

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