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PAC - Student Deposit Report


The Student Deposit Report program will generate a report detailing all 'D' = Deposit types.  It can reconcile against the GL liability account for student deposits.

General Tab

This report can be run for:

  • Enrolled Students.

  • Current Students.

  • Non-Current Students.

Tick the checkboxes to determine which Students will be included in your report.

This report can also be used to produce a report for individual families or students by entering 'Parent Code', Student Code' or 'Student Surname' into the relevant search fields. 

Use the following fields to refine your search criteria:

  • Boarder

  • Year Group

  • Date of Entry

  • Date of Leaving

  • Entry Year (Enrolled)

Fields that require further explanation

Deposit Amount

Use this field to search for deposit amounts equal to, less than, greater than or between specific amounts.  


If < 0.00 (less than 0.00) is selected, the report will contain all the withdrawals made.

If > 0.00 (greater than 0.00) is selected, the report will contain all deposits made.

If 0.00 (the default number) is used, the report will contain amounts as they are currently (the deposits minus the withdrawals made). 

Deposit Date

Use this field to filter your report to display deposits made on specific dates or date ranges equal to, less than, greater than or between particular dates. 

You can also use this field to search for records where the date field is blank or contains any date (NULL/is not NULL).  

Print Tab

Sort your report by:

  • Student Surname

  • Student Code

  • Parent Code

Format your report to:

  • Export to PDF

  • Export to Excel®

  • Export to Word®

Tick the 'Show Table Borders' checkbox to enhance the report's readability.   

Tick the 'Alternate Row Colours' checkbox to enhance the report's readability. 

'Show Table Borders' and 'Alternate Row Colours' are unavailable when you 'Export to Excel®'.

Use the checkboxes to:

  • Include Deposit details

  • Include students with Zero Deposit amount

  • Include sub-total by Parent

'Include sub-total by Parent' is only available when the sort by 'Parent Code' option is selected. 

Use the 'Report Title' field to modify the report title included in your final exported document. 

Click the 'GO' button to generate the report.

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