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How to Customise webBook to Disable Editing of Comments (wB)

This document outlines how to restrict the people who are able to 'Edit' student comments in webBook.

Some schools have a preference to force teachers to take comments from the school comment bank (only) and not allow them to edit these comments. One of the reasons behind this could be to reduce the likelihood of grammatical errors in reports.

The system default is for the editing of comments for teachers in webBook to be enabled.

You would only do this if you want to disable the editing of comments for a reporting period.

From v01.060.01.200, webBook is no longer accessible. The features previously offered by webBook are now available in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook and Enter Results and Comments.

Levels of webBook Users

Each user who logs into webBook must have an access level.

The three possible access levels for webBook are:

  1. Teacher.

  2. Restricted user (normally first level proofing).

  3. Unrestricted user (final proofing and entry of Form/Tutor Group comment).

These access levels are maintained using webBook program Admin.

TASS.web Settings Required to Disable Comment Editing

Use TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Periods' tab.

Teacher Edit Comments

This field relates to the login for the 'Teacher' class user access.

Where this field is set to 'No', the following webBook comment functionality changes will occur to remove the ability to edit a comment:

  1. The text box for the comment will be disabled.

  2. The Comment Bank or Personal Comment Bank (if enabled) will still deposit comments into the text box.

  3. A button called 'Clear Comment' will be visible. This will enable the user to clear the entire Comment field.

  4. The Spell Check button will be suppressed.

The 'Format Comment' button will still function as before.

Restricted User Edit Comments

This field relates to the login for the 'Restricted' class user access.

Where this field is set to 'No', then the following webBook comment functionality changes will occur to remove the ability to edit a comment:

  1. The text box for the comment will be disabled.

  2. The Comment Bank or Personal Comment Bank (if enabled) will still deposit comments into the text box.

  3. A button called 'Clear Comment' will be visible. This will enable the user to clear the entire Comment field.

  4. The Spell Check button will be suppressed.

The 'Format Comment' button will still function as before.

Unrestricted User Edit

This field relates to the login for the 'Unrestricted' class user access.

Where this field is set to 'No', then the following webBook comment functionality changes will occur to remove the ability to edit a comment:

  1. The text box for the comment will be disabled.

  2. The Comment Bank or Personal Comment Bank (if enabled) will still deposit comments into the text box.

  3. A button called 'Clear Comment' will be visible. This will enable the user to clear the entire Comment field.

  4. The Spell Check button will be suppressed.

The 'Format Comment' button will still function as before.

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