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Create a New Enrolment Parent (Complex Split)

You would enter the Enrolment comprising Enrolled Parent and Student records as usual, then an additional parent record to create a Complex Split.  Refer to the 'How to handle split family arrangements' guide for a detailed definition. You then use the Addresses & Communication Rules on the enrolled student record (for each child in the family) to define:

  • The parent/guardian(s) from both the original enrolled parent and additional parent records that the student lives with

  • The parent/guardian(s) from both the original enrolled parent and additional parent records who is to be the emergency contact

  • The parent/guardian(s) from both the original enrolled parent and additional parent records who will receive correspondence generated out of TASS.web

This guide assumes that your school's address block structure adheres to the recommendations specified in the ‘Setting Up Parent Addresses in TASS.web’ guide.






Determine if the 'Mother' or 'Father' is to be on the enrolled parent record (we will refer to this as the original parent record) or an additional parent record.

The original enrolled parent record is the one that will have the school fee account (when the student becomes a current student).  Therefore the person who is NOT responsible for the school fee account would be on the additional parent record.

Once the additional parent record has been created you can then incorporate a split billing arrangement if required (when the student becomes a current student).

This is the first step in creating a Complex Split family in the Enrolments module.

This guide uses the example of:

  • The father on the original enrolled parent record

  • The father's partner on the original enrolled parent record

  • The biological mother on the additional parent record.

Therefore if the record you are entering is the other way around, you need to make the appropriate adjustments when following these steps.

  • Complete


Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments

Enter the Enrolment record using the 2 step Detailed Entry process

  • The 'Mother Name' to reflect the father's current partner.

  • The 'Father Name' to reflect the father.

Enter parent addresses as follows:


  • 'Parent Name' to reflect the father and his partner.

  • Address, phone number, salutation and e-mail details should also be for the father and his current partner only.


  • Enter 'Parent Name' and 'Salutation' for the father only.

  • Use address links to link back to the Correspondence Address.


  • Enter 'Parent Name' and 'Salutation' for the father's partner only.

  • Use address links to link back to the Correspondence Address.

  • Enter details in the Residential and Billing address if required.

Save these changes.

  • Complete


Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents

Enter a new Parent record for the Biological Mother

  • The 'Mother Name' to reflect the biological mother

  • The 'Father Name' is left blank

Enter parent addresses as follows:


'Parent Name' and other details to reflect the biological mother.


No address is entered for the father on this record


  • Enter 'Parent Name' and 'Salutation' for the biological mother only

  • Use address links to link all other fields back to the Correspondence Address.

Save these changes.

This step is not necessary if the mother already has a parent record.

  • Complete


Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments

On the enrolled student record, set the 'Multi Parenting Arrangements' field on the 'General' tab to 'Yes' for all enrolled students who belong to this family.

  • Complete


Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments

On each enrolled student's record setup the appropriate rules using the 'Address and Communication Rules' tab.

You will need to add the additional parent record for each student where applicable (in this case the biological mother) by clicking on the 'Add Parent' button.

  • Complete

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