CP - Person Splitting
The Community program provides a facility to split a single person record into two 'Person' records.
This allows for the maintaining of a person record where two records were unintentionally merged into one. The system will effectively create a new person record for the person being split away from the original record. The information stored against the original person selected for splitting will not be altered albeit the Entity type selected for removal from the person record will be re-allocated to a new person record.
The Person Splitting functionality in the Community program is only available from within the 'Person Merge' screen.
The person record can be selected for Splitting (or Merging) from either of the following screens by selecting the 'Merge' option:
The 'Person record screen.
The 'Person Relationships' screens (View or Edit).
The 'Person Associations' screen.
The 'Person Search Results list.
Once the person record is selected for splitting (via the merge screen) the panel to the right side of the screen will list the person's current entities.
Icon | Description |
The 'Cross' icon will display against any Entity type which is able to be removed from the person record. If the remove icon is selected, the system will require you to enter a new Community Name for the new person record. |
The 'Person User Definable' fields for the new person record will be pre-populated based on the values from the original person record and will, therefore, need to be reviewed before saving the new person record. All other fields on the person record (including Extended User Definable fields will not be pre-populated).
Entity types that are of the same group will automatically travel.
Example: If a person is an Enrolled Parent (E), a Current Parent (P) and a Donor (D), and the Enrolled Parent Entity is selected to be split from the Donor Entity, then the Current Parent Entity will also automatically travel with the Enrolled Parent Entity, therefore preventing the Parent Entities from being separated.