Can Leave Applications be edited in TASS.web?
Yes, from version 58.2 (released in February 2023). TASS.web users, who meet the required conditions, are able to edit or cancel leave applications.
Click here for details.
Steps to enable this functionality for TASS.web users:
Map the appropriate TASS.web users to their Employee Code, such as Payroll users, who will require access to edit or cancel Leave Applications.
TASS.web System Admin > Users > User Maintenance - Employee Mappings tab.
Note that the Employee Mappings tab will only display to TASS.web administrators who are assigned the new Security Role Permission called 'Employee Mappings tab', located in the Administration section.
TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions.
Assign the Security Role Permission called 'Edit / Cancel Leave Applications', located in the Timesheets section, to any TASS.web users who will require access to edit or cancel Leave Applications (eg Payroll users).
Note that other existing Payroll permissions apply to access the Payroll program.
TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions.
TASS.web users who meet both of the above criteria can now edit or cancel Employee Leave Timesheets imported from Staff Kiosk.
TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Preparation > Timesheets.