BOR - Reset Boarder Leave Types
The ‘Reset Boarder Leave Types’ program provides a quick way to allocate allowable leave types to groups of boarders. It uses the leave types that have been allocated against year groups in TASS.web Student Admin > Boarders > Student Information > Boarders on the 'Leave Types' tab.
Care should be exercised when using this program as it will remove all existing leave types that are assigned against boarder records for the boarder group that you select here before it adds the new leave types.
We recommend that you use TASS.web Student Admin > Boarders > Setup Information > Boarders Setup and go to the 'Leave Types' tab and use the 'Print' option. The listing that is produced will show the year groups that will be affected for each leave type. This should be reviewed before the reset is run.
Use the filters available on this screen to select the boarders who will have their leave types updated, e.g. All boarders in Year 11.
All the drop-down lists support multi selectable fields. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking with your mouse, enables a range selection. Holding down the 'Ctrl' key while clicking, enables multiple individual selections of fields.
Click on 'GO' to commence the reset program.