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ATT - Absentee Letter Text Tab (SU)


The ‘Absentee Letter Text’ tab in Attendance Setup is used to create a template for Absentee Letters to be sent home to parents when students are away for non-acceptable reasons.

The letter formats include keywords that will be substituted when TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Processing > Absentee Letter Merge is run.


The keywords are case sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown in the table below.

Keywords available for substitution


Parent Names


Parent's address


Absent Type


Absent Date


Parent Salutation


Reason Description


Student Preferred Name


Student Preferred Name


Today's  date


He or She


he or she


His or Her


his or her


son or daughter


son's or daughter's


him or her


himself or herself

The keyword substitution values above are defined in Community Plus program Setup Information using the 'Genders Setup' program.

Additional gender values (to those above) may exist and be available if your school has defined them.

An example of a template letter.





This is to inform you that [NAME] was [ABSENTTYPE] on the [ABSDATE] due to [REASON].

At this stage, the school has not received a satisfactory explanation for [his/her] absence.

Could you please acknowledge [he/she] absence by either phoning Mrs Johnson at the school on 216-4356 or alternatively by completing the section below and returning this letter to the school.

Thanking you for your assistance in this matter.

Yours faithfully,


Mr B. Smith         Dep. Principal


I acknowledge [NAME]'s absence from school on the [ABSDATE].


Signed        Parent/Guardian

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