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Appointments Transferred to Another Teacher

*Template NameAppointments Transferred to Another Teacher
*TriggerSent to parents when a Teacher's appointments are transferred to another teacher.
*Email SubjectParent Teacher Interview Appointment with [Original Teacher Name] has been Rescheduled
*CategoryParent Teacher Interviews
Attachment FileOptional.
Message Body

Dear <<Parent Name>>

Your Parent/Teacher interview appointment with <<Original Teacher Name>> for <<Preferred Name>> - <<Subject>> has now been scheduled with <<Teacher Name>>.  
Your new Parent/Teacher interview appointment details are:

Teacher: <<Teacher Name>>
Student: <<Preferred Name>>
Subject: <<Subject>>
Room: <<Room>>
Appointment time: <<Appointment Date>> at <<Appointment Time>>

<<Click here to review this Parent Teacher Interview Conference in Parent Lounge>>

This is an automated email. Please do not reply
This email was intended solely for the addressee.

The default system email message contains the above text and keywords (the keywords are bracketed << >>).

This message can be changed via the 'Email Settings' program using a combination of text and the keywords provided.

Click here to view the list of keywords fields available for use in the 'Appointments Transferred to Another Teacher' email message.

The email message section contains a 'Froala' toolbar with formatting tools, a pick list of keywords that can be used for keyword substitution, and a preview icon.

The following keywords can be used for keyword substitution in the email message, specifically for Appointments Transferred to Another Teacher:

1.Student Keywords
  • Alternate ID.
  • Campus (conditional). The Campus keyword will only be available where the school has campuses set up.
  • First Name.
  • Form Class.
  • Given Names.
  • He/She.
  • he/she.
  • His/Her.
  • him/her.
  • himself/herself.
  • House.
  • Other Names.
  • PC/Tutor Group.
  • Preferred Name.
  • Preferred Surname.
  • son/daughter.
  • Student Code.
  • Surname.
  • USI.
  • Year Group.
  • Date of Entry.
2.Parent Teacher Interviews Keywords
  • Appointment Date
  • Appointment Note
  • Appointment Time
  • Click here to review this Parent Teacher Interview Conference in Parent Lounge​
  • Click here to review this Parent Teacher Interview Conference in Staff Kiosk​
  • Join Online Meeting
  • Original Teacher Name
  • Parent Name
  • Room
  • Subject
  • Teacher Name
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