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ACR - Result Based Comment Translations

From v01.060.01.200, this program is no longer available. It has been replaced by the 'Result Based Comments' tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup.


The ‘Result Based Comment Translations’ program allows you to build or maintain result comments on a grid entry screen with fill-down capabilities.

The TASS.web Customisable Student Reports have the ability to print the comments that are entered here, based on the result that each student achieves for Objectives within each subject.

When generating an Academic Report, if the ‘Use Result Related Comments’ field is ticked and a ‘Result Based Comment’ exists it will print it in place of the actual raw result on the report. If a Result Based Comment does not exist, then the raw result will still be displayed.

If a ‘Result Based Comment’ exists, it will be displayed:

  • Against students' Objectives in the Academic Report.

  • In the distribution summaries against each subject (where applicable) in the Academic Report.

An example could be:








Creative Writing


Consistently demonstrated a very high level of achievement


Very High Achievement



Creative Writing


Consistently demonstrated a high level of achievement


High Achievement

Valid Results must exist for each result based comment being created. If this search does not find the required subject/Objective/Year Group combinations, then create the validations in the 'Result Formats' screen by clicking 'Create Validations'.

The 'Result Based Comments' tab is an updated version of this program with more functionality and filtering options. It can be found in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup.  Both programs currently work interchangeably.

Selection Criteria

In the selection criteria screen, select the Year Group/s, Subject/s and Objective/s that result based comments are required for. These are multi-select fields. Select the result for which to base the comment on. This is a single select field.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while selecting values within a multi-select field permits a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) values.

Leave Year Group, Subject or Objective blank if an open search is required.

A grid will be populated for each Subject/Year Group/Objective combination found that contains a valid result matching the valid result nominated in the search criteria. Enter the result based comments into the respective grids.

Use the 'Fill Down' icon to replicate the same data down the column.

Once completed, click the 'Save All' button at the bottom of the grid to save to the database.

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