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ACP - Cheques


Supplier Transactions > Cheques is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:

  • Search for existing cheques using specific criteria.

  • Produce a screen list of existing cheques that can be used to view or edit cheque details.

  • Print, export to Excel® or Word® the list of cheques returned by your search.

  • Add a new cheque and apply it to invoice(s).

Adding a New Cheque

There are three ways in which a cheque can be created:

  1. Click the 'New' icon from the search screen

  2. After searching up an existing cheque/s you still have the option to click on the 'New' icon in the 'Cheque List' screen.

  3. By clicking the 'Enter Cheque' button after saving a new invoice entered using program Finance > Accounts Payable > Supplier Transactions > Invoices.


Cheques entered here would be handwritten cheques. This program does not create a printed cheque.

For details on adding a new cheque, see section 'Cheque Screen'.

Viewing and Editing a Cheque

Cheque Search Screen

This screen provides the facility to search for existing cheques using various search fields.

Click the 'GO' button (or press 'Enter') to execute the search and display the 'Cheque List' screen with the matching records.

If you start your search without entering any selection criteria and have more than 1000 Cheques on your system the 'Cheque List' will only display the first 1000 records. You should look at narrowing your search by entering search criteria such as year and/or period.

Cheque List Screen

This list screen displays the cheques matching your search criteria initially sorted by 'Supplier Code'.

The records on this screen can be re-sorted by clicking on the heading links provided.

Click on the 'View' or 'Edit' Action link to access the cheque.

Printing a Cheque Listing

From the 'Cheque List' screen click on the 'Print' button at the top of the screen to produce a cheque list as a PDF, Excel® or Word® document.

You can elect to include the supplier subtotals and details of the invoice(s) on your listing.

Cheque Screen

This screen has two sections:

  1. Header.

  2. Applications Grid.


Fields that require further explanation

Supplier Code

There are multiple options available for searching and/or entering the required 'Supplier Code': 

  1. Enter 4 characters or more of the 'Supplier Code', Supplier Name' or 'ABN'. A picklist with the matching accounts will be displayed. Choose from this.

  2. Use the magnifying glass icon to display the 'Supplier Search' screen. Search for the required supplier using criteria such as 'Code', 'Name', 'ABN' or 'Contact'. You need to include wildcards in your search eg: *lucas*. Click on the required supplier.

Once a supplier has been selected, click the 'Supplier' button in the top right corner of the screen to navigate to the supplier's record in program Finance > Accounts Payable > Supplier Information > Suppliers.

Bank Code

Accept the default or choose a different bank account from the picklist.

Cheque Number

Defaults to the next cheque number for the selected bank account.

Cheque Date

This will default to the current date. You can change this by keying directly into the field or using the calendar icon to manually choose a date from the calendar.

The date that you enter here will determine the corresponding GL 'Year/Period' into which this transaction will be posted. You will get an error if the year/period displayed is closed or not set up.


The system will change the year and period to match the cheque date.

Cheque Amount

You must enter the actual cheque amount. You cannot enter amounts into the 'Applications Grid' if the amount is 0 or less.

Receipt Ref:

This field is optional.

As cheques entered here have occurred outside of the normal payment cycle (and would be handwritten) you may record the receipt number provided by the supplier. 


This field is optional.

Enter a comment that will be saved against this manual cheque entry, e.g. The reason why this cheque had to be manually drawn.

When entering an invoice in Finance > Accounts Payable > Supplier Transactions > Invoices you can choose to create a cheque at the time the invoice is saved using the 'Enter Cheque' button. When entering a cheque this way the mandatory fields in the 'Header' section of this screen will be automatically populated. Enter a 'Comment' if needed and continue into the 'Applications Grid'.

Applications Grid

The outstanding invoices for this supplier will be displayed.

Invoices that are unpaid but 'On Hold' will not be displayed.

There are multiple options available for applying a cheque:

  • Click into the 'Applied Amount' column and enter a value to apply.

  • Click the 'Apply' link to automatically insert the amount.

  • Click into the 'Applied Amount' column on the first invoice you want to apply the cheque to, then click the 'Auto Apply' button to 'fill-down apply' the Invoices displayed thereafter, up until the point the cheque is fully applied.

A cheque will be fully applied when the unapplied amount displayed at the bottom of the grid is zero.

Unapplying Cheques

From the 'Cheque List' screen, click on the 'Edit' action link for the required cheque.

To clear existing cheque applications, click on the 'Unapply' button at the top of the screen.

The cheque applications will be deleted and the grid will refresh and display all unpaid invoices for this supplier.

Invoices that are unpaid but 'On Hold' will not be displayed.

Cancelling Cheques

From the 'Cheque List' screen, click on the 'Edit' action link for the required cheque.

Click on the 'Cancel' button at the top of the screen.


A cheque cannot be cancelled if it has been reconciled or is included in an incomplete bank reconciliation.

The 'Reason for Cancellation' window displays:

  • 'Reason 1' — A mandatory field. Type in the reason for cancelling the cheque.

  • 'Reason 2' — Add more information if necessary.

Click on the 'Save' button to complete the cancellation.

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