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ACP - AP Snapshot Report


The AP Snapshot Report is the main Accounts Payable ledger report. It should be run after the completion of each period to verify the balance of the General Ledger control account for the Accounts Payable ledger.

The report will provide details of suppliers that have a balance owing as of the 'Year' and 'Period' for which the report is generated and there are three layout combinations available:

  • A detailed layout without aging.

  • A detailed layout with transactions aged into; current, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and 90+ days periods.

  • A summary layout with balances aged into; current, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and 90+ days periods.

The report can be run retrospectively for past periods.


IMPORTANT:  The report will not run if there are unposted transactions for the 'Year' and 'Period specified for earlier periods. To check postings run Finance > Accounts Payable > Period End > Post Period Activity.

General Tab

The 'Report Layout' selection has two layout options.

The 'Selection Criteria' section requires a 'Year' and 'Period' to be entered for the report.

Print Tab

Sort By

The default is for the report to sort by 'Supplier Code'.

Alternatively, you can elect to sort by 'Supplier Name'.

Report Options

The Summary Report option is only available when the 'AP Aging Report' layout has been selected on the 'General' tab.

Aging options

These options are only available when the 'AP Aging Report' layout has been selected on the 'General' tab.

Formatting Options

Choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

You can also elect to include suppliers who have a zero balance owing.

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