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ACP - Account Aging

Use this screen to determine the age of all unpaid invoices. The system generates the invoice balances and groups the account information in their respective aging categories: Current; 1 – 30 days overdue; 31 – 60 days overdue; 61 – 90 days overdue; 90+ days overdue.

The only field to edit is the 'Date for Aging'. To run the 'Account Aging' program either accept the default current date or select the date you wish to run the aging for. This procedure will then update the credit status of each supplier by aging them according to the due dates for payment.

This program should be run daily to ensure that your accounts are up-to-date. To view the aging status of a supplier search it up in Finance > Accounts Payable > Supplier Information > Suppliers and click on the 'Credit Status' tab.

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