Academic Comparative Analysis (Box Plot)
This Staff Kiosk analytic displays a Box Plot comparing the student's result against the result distribution for his/her class or cohort.
The Quartile Calculation Method selected by your school is displayed in the heading, e.g. Using Minitab Method.
The last data update date/time for this analytic is displayed in the heading. Any student data that has been entered or updated after this date/time will not be included in the analytic.
You can hover over various parts of the Box Plot to view the values for the student's result, Maximum, Third Quartile, Median, First Quartile and Minimum.
You can interact with a box plot by updating:
The Reporting Period.
The Objective (depending upon your school's setup).
The Cohort checkbox.
Hovering over the 'speech bubble' icon will display the teacher's comment for the student (which has been entered through Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook or Activity Planner programs).