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Friendly Release DateJul 28th, 2022
General Release DateAug 08th, 2022

What's New?

ModuleMenuDetailsCustomerIMS Ref.
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsEvents and PaymentsEnhancement to update all "View Details" links within the Medical popup to read "View / Update Details" to indicate user are able to update details.N/A194323
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webChequesEnhancement to prevent users editing a Cheque after it has been matched within a Bank Reconciliation.N/A194272
TASS.web > APICloud Drives APIsEnhancement to update the Google Drive file picker to the new The Google Picker API.STJ17193868
TASS.web > APIIdM APIEnhancement to return additional data within the IdM API getEmployees endpoint to determine if the employee is a teacher.ERC001194140
TASS.web > APIOnline Enrolments APIEnhancement to the Online Enrolment API to allow for multiple addresses to be set within the setEnrolledStudents endpoint as well as including a new GetParentAddressSetup endpointN/A192114
TASS.web > APIOnline Enrolments API

Enhancement to the Online Enrolments API to include the additional endpoints to facilitate getting and setting Student Medical Data:




















TASS.web > APIOnline Enrolments API

Enhancement to add the following endpoints to the Online Enrolments API to facilitate adding student and parent notes to online enrolments:







TASS.web > General Ledger.webAccountsEnhancement to add a Delete option to the General tab screen when it is invoked in edit mode, allowing deletion of an Account. Validations are in place to stop accidental deletions where the account is in use.N/A193886
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBank Charges and CreditsEnhancement to prevent users editing a Cash Book transaction after it has been matched within a Bank Reconciliation.N/A194268
TASS.web > General Ledger.webPRSEnhancement to add a new security point to allow deletion of a General Ledger Account.N/A193885
TASS.web > Medical.webPRSThis project is ongoing. Enhancement to create Student Medical audit tables for development of change logs for student medical data.N/A194231
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC EntriesEnhancement to Parent Contact Info by enabling SMTP Emailing by clicking an Email icon or via clicking a new Email All button.N/A194063
TASS.web > Student.webPRSEnhancement to rename 'SES Export (Aus)' to 'Address Collection (Aus)' within TASS.web menu and security points.N/A194038
TASS.web > Student.webSES Export (Aus)Enhancement to rename 'SES Export (Aus)' to 'Address Collection (Aus)' within the UI.N/A194039
TASS.web > Student.webStudent Attend. – STATS (Aus)Enhancement to the STATS Exception report to detail the specific records that are causing the error.COO01193382
TASS.web > Student.webStudent Records SetupEnhancement to include a conditional 'Include Inactive Subjects' filter that is only active when "Include Subjects linked to Subject Area" is checked.HIL01194282
TASS.web > Student.webStudent Records Setup (Campus)Enhancement to allow schools to delete a Campus if it is not in use and there are no outstanding Online Enrolments records referencing it.AUS05194201
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webLeave & SubstitutionEnhancement to support an audit log for when adding, editing or deleting a Teacher Leave record.N/A193951


ModuleMenuDetailsCustomerIMS Ref.
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webAssessment SetupCorrection to reintroduce the Analytics Exception Report in the action column for the rows where an objective has multiple assessment methods in the current and/or archived Result Formats.AUS08194321
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to ensure validation logic for conditional fields on the Print tab do not inadvertently stay disabled or cleared where not appropriate.N/A194314
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webResult Based Comment TranslationsCorrection to ensure Result Based Comment Translations save correctly in both unitised and non-unitised timetable mode.TOO02194300
TASS.web > Community PlusEnrolment WorksheetCorrection to remove Edit access to Transferred enrolled student records via the enrolment worksheet.SST01194305
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to ensure SMS is able to be sent to students where referencing younger/older siblings to be more reliable/consistent.SWA02194210
TASS.web > Fixed Assets.webTransaction BatchesCorrection to reintroduce the auto population of the 'Transaction Description' field while adding an Asset where appropriate.STH01194290
TASS.web > Fundraising.webDonorsCorrection to allow Donor records to be created with a non-tokenised Address when using the Address Validation API.STJ11194327
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBank Accounts DashboardCorrection to ensure that the 'All transactions have been reconciled!' notification is only displayed when all transactions for the selected date have been matched.RIV02193086
Staff Kiosk > ListingsClass List/EmailsCorrection to ensure a default Year and Period are selected on load of the program.LIN01194078
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Absences (Lists/Emails)Correction to allow the 'Generate Emails' option to work with the Student Absences (List/Emails) listing without error.PIT01194307
Staff Kiosk > LMSLMS AssessmentCorrection to prevent OOPS error when navigating via the Back button in unitised timetable mode.AUS08194251
Staff Kiosk > LMSMy ClassesCorrection to email students of a subject/class to adhere to subject date ranges where applied.ROC01194250
Staff Kiosk > LMSParameters (setup)Enhancement to references to 'LMS'. and replace with 'Assessment'.N/A194253
Staff Kiosk > LMSParameters (setup)Correction to stop an infinite loop alert when entering an incorrect LMS Repository Location.N/A194254
Student Cafe > My ActivitiesCurricularCorrection to Fix Student Cafe > My Activities > Curricular Activities and Staff Kiosk > Assessment > Activity Assessment to ensure they reference the archived assessment validations once the result period the activity has been assigned to is archived.MAR02194352
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webPayment SchedulesCorrection to prevent users from saving payment schedules where the opening balance due date and instalment 1 due date are the same.PRI02194089
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webReceiptsCorrection to ensure parent names are correctly displayed within Receipts where the name contains an apostrophe (').TRI05194202
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC Entries (Lists/Emails)Correction to ensure any data relevant to the saved PC Entries (Lists/Emails) listing Generate Emails is returned in the attachment in the generated email when 'My Year Groups' is used as the Student Selection mode.FRE01194284
TASS.web > Payroll.webSuperannuation FundsCorrection to remove the validation logic on the 'SGC Minimum Period' field for both Add and Edit modes so it doesn't check that 'SGC Minimum Monthly Earnings' and 'SGC Minimum Yearly Earnings' in Super Parameters are greater than $0.00SHE02194317
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsMedical DetailsCorrection to ensure the verifying medical details UI displays correctly on a mobile device or tablet.LAU01194281
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesCorrection to ensure that whenever a PTI Schedule list is shown it conforms to an ascending Date/time sort order (earliest appointment shown first). Additionally, ensure room details within Parent Lounge > PTI Book Appointment screen are accurate.MAI01193971
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceCorrection to ensure Apple School Manager files are generated during the nightly scheduled task.STJ15194249
TASS.web > Utilities.webMenu MaintenanceCorrection to ensure Extra Curricular > Student Information > Activity Groups menu item uses the appropriate 'Activity Groups' permission point. A data migration is included to ensure all users with existing access will remain.TOO02194279
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