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EoL Version 57

This page contains the release notes for software updates completed in Version 57 in 2022.


General Release DateDec 12, 2022

Major Items



Staff Kiosk
Payroll - Leave Application 'Leave Log'

Leave Applications in Staff Kiosk now record further details of changes made to an application. 

A new 'Change Log' icon displays within a submitted Leave Application, and when clicked, opens a pop up screen that displays the details of the change, including when an application is added, edited or approved.

Staff Kiosk
Student Absences (Lists/Emails) Enhancements 

This release sees further welcome changes in the Student Absences (Listings/Emails) program in Staff Kiosk.

Attendance Email Template
A new Email Template category has been added called 'Attendance' (‘ATTEN2) for use when sending emails from the Student Absences (Lists/Emails) program. The Email Template contains Word Merge capability, and includes three Keyword categories to personalise the emails generated: 'Students', 'Parents', and 'Attendance'.

This is a great feature that will help save some valuable time for staff, and will also ensure that consistent absence emails are sent throughout the school.
Email Templates will be further introduced across other programs in coming versions.

Exception Criteria
Additional criteria filtering has been added to further refine the absences that can be included on a report or email list.
The 'Exception Criteria', similar to that found in PC Entries (Lists/Emails), allows you to filter the results based on the number of occurrences students have had particular Absent Types and/or Reasons recorded against them.

Staff Kiosk
Student Appointments 'Responsible Staff Member'

The Student Appointment program now has the ability to record a Responsible Staff Member against each Student Appointment.

Key Points:

  • A new field called 'Responsible Staff Member' appears in the New Student Appointment Details modal. A drop down list shows all staff members' names, of which one can be selected.
  • The Student Appointment Log grid displays a new column called 'Resp Staff Member', and displays the Responsible Staff Member's name.
  • The Student Appointment Log grid includes a searchable field for filtering the list to one or more Responsible Staff Member/s.
  • The Student Appointment Log Print report includes the name of the Responsible Staff Member.
  • When Viewing, Editing or Cancelling a Student Appointment, the Change History shows a new column called 'Resp. Staff'. Hovering over the icon displays the Responsible Staff Member's name.

Note that we plan to expand this functionality further to display the information in staff calendars and potentially include in email automations.

SMS Queue Maintenance 

Users are now able to manage their SMS queues directly in TASS.web. The new 'Manage Queue' link opens the 'SMS Queue Maintenance' screen, which will display a list of any unsent messages. The are a range of filter options, and the user is able to cancel all, or selected, queued messages.

A new edit security permission 'SMS Queue Maintenance' has been added to assign to the relevant users.

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > StudentStudent Records SetupA new text direction setting has been added for the 'Enable Special Name Field' to determine how the Special Name should be printed on Listings and Reports.N/A194642
TASS.web > Academic ReportingGenerate Exit StatementsThe student's 'Special Name' will be printed on Exit Statements according to the Special Name Text Direction setting in Student Records Setup when 'Enable Special Name Field' is ticked.N/A194644
TASS.web > Academic ReportingGenerate Interim ReportsThe student's 'Special Name' will be printed on Interim Reports according to the Special Name Text Direction setting in Student Records Setup when 'Enable Special Name Field' is ticked.N/A194646
TASS.web > Academic ReportingGenerate Student ReportsThe student's 'Special Name' will be printed on Student Reports according to the Special Name Text Direction setting in Student Records Setup when 'Enable Special Name Field' is ticked.N/A194645
TASS.web > General LedgerBank Account DashboardEnhancement to prevent a user from loading the Reconcile Statement Transactions screen in multiple browsers at the same time (for the same Bank Code). This will stop users inadvertently performing actions in the both browsers, possibly leading to reconciliation issues.SPR01194572
TASS.web > PayrollEmployeesEnhancement to Online Timesheets Details to increase the Maximum Quantity from 99 to 999 for Paycodes that have a Fixed Amount Rate Code.TAR03194652
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)All CF Chart instancesInvestigation to ensure existing functionality with either UI or PDF generated charts are not broken after changes made to CF Chart in Coldfusion 2021.N/A194662
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)All ProductsInvestigation to identify all areas of the software that use the CKEditor to address vulnerability.SAN01194661
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)All ProductsInternal testing of the new CKEditor to ensure all functionality works as expected.N/A194673
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)NotesEnhancement to include line breaks in the 'Note' field in the various Notes and Confidential Notes tabs across TASS.web.MER01194670
TASS.web > AttendanceEmail SettingsA new email category 'Attendance' (ATTEN2) has been added to allow users to set up Email Templates for use in the Student Absences (Lists/Emails) program in Staff Kiosk.N/A193925
TASS.web > UtilitiesEmail SettingsThe new email category 'Attendance' (ATTEN 2) has had 3 Keyword categories added for use in the Email Template: Student, Parent, Attendance. Word Merge functionality has also been included.N/A193927
TASS.web > UtilitiesSMS GatewaysA new 'SMS Queue Maintenance' screen has been added to the SMS Gateway API, allowing users with the appropriate permissions to view and cancel unsent messages.LIT01192941
TASS.web > UtilitiesSecurity Role PermissionsA new edit security permission point has been added called 'SMS Queue Maintenance' to allow users to view and use the new 'SMS Queue Maintenance' screen in the SMS Gateway API.N/A194426
TASS.web > APIStudent Details APIEnhancement to Student Details API's to include a new parameter "includemedicationnotes" to the GetMedicalConditions endpoint. Student's Medical Condition Notes can now be returned. More details at:
Attendance Self RegistrationStudent AppointmentsUpdates to the Appointment Self Registration portal to ensure compatibility with new 'Responsible Staff Member' field. No user interface changes apply.N/A194024
Staff Kiosk > CalendarStudent Appointment LogEnhancement to the New Student Appointment Details modal to add a new field called 'Responsible Staff Member'. A drop down list shows all staff members names, of which one can be selected.N/A194016
Staff Kiosk > CalendarStudent AppointmentsEnhancements to the Student Appointment Log grid includes a new column in the Student Appointment Log called 'Responsible Staff Member', as well as a searchable field for filtering the list to one or more Responsible Staff Member/s.N/A194015
Staff Kiosk > CalendarStudent AppointmentsEnhancement to the Student Appointment Log Print report to include the name of the Responsible Staff Member for each record.N/A194017
Staff Kiosk > CalendarStudent AppointmentsEnhancement to the Change History of a Student Appointment record. A new field 'Resp. Staff' has been added and can be seen when Viewing, Editing or Cancelling an appointment. Hovering over the icon displays the Responsible Staff Member's name.N/A194023
Staff Kiosk > Extra CurricularExtra Curricular Groups > CloneEnhancement to the Clone function for an Extra Curricular Activity, which now includes cloning the 'Available To Year Groups' field within the Sign-Up Options.ABB01194699
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Absences (Lists/Emails)Enhancement includes an 'Exception Criteria' filter in the Student Absences (Lists/Emails) program in Staff Kiosk. This allows the user to enter a 'From' and 'To' number range for 'Absent Type' and 'Reason' to further refine the absences to be included on the report or email list.N/A194416
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Absences (Lists/Emails)Enhancement to the Student Absences (Lists/Emails) Email functionality to send one email per absence as well as one email per student.N/A194417
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Staff Leave/Other ApplicationsThe new Change Log pop up in a Leave Application displays the details of when the application was added, edited and approved.N/A194535
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Staff Leave/Other ApplicationsA new Change Log icon will display when editing or viewing a Leave Application. Opening the pop up will display the Change Log.N/A194536






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic ReportingAssessment SetupCorrection to ensure that when editing an Objective in the Results Formats Summary screen, the 'Restore' action works to restore the Objective to the previously saved details.N/A194602
TASS.web > Academic ReportingAssessment SetupCorrection to ensure that all functionality works as intended when adding or editing Objectives in the Results Formats Summary screen.N/A194603
TASS.web > Academic ReportingGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to ensure that reports are successfully generated for non-current students when the following options are all selected: 'Include Non-Current Students', 'Deliver via EMAIL where possible' and 'Use Communication Rules'.CAL04194606
TASS.web > AttendanceStudent AttendanceCorrection to the error message displayed when attempting to edit an absence from a previous Attendance Period whilst in the current Attendance Period. Message now reads: 'This date does not lie within the current period - refer to Attendance Setup.'N/A194640
TASS.web > Employee/HREmployee Details ListingCorrection to allow emailing from Employee Details Listing, irrespective of the company being licensed for the Payroll module.ROC03194659
TASS.web > EnrolmentsDetails ListingCorrection to ensure that the text direction of Special Names display on the Enrolment Details Listing PDF export as per the 'Special Name Text Direction' option selected in Student Records Setup.N/A194653
TASS.web > EnrolmentsEnrolmentsPerformance improvements to increase speed across the Enrolments program.CEO01194705
TASS.web > EnrolmentsEnrolmentsCorrection to allow editing Relationship Tags on Enrolment Records without an receiving Oops! Error.ROC01194792
TASS.web > General LedgerBank ReconciliationCorrection to allow the un-matching and then re-matching of a newly created bank charge without receiving an Internal Server Error.N/A194341
TASS.web > MedicalStudents Medical HistoryCorrection to include the 'Email 2' field of an address block in the Student Medical History Report. Previously only 'Email 1' was included.FAI03194615
TASS.web > ParentsParentsCorrection to update all Parent Record tables in TASS as necessary to prevent Community Data errors caused by mismatched parent details.N/A194607
TASS.web > PayrollPayroll SetupCorrection to prevent users from entering negative amounts into any Position Rates.SCO05194763
TASS.web > PayrollPosition RolesCorrection to ensure that all appropriate Positions show when assigning positions to Position Roles in Payroll Setup.CAM04194708
TASS.web > School ShopBank Deposit ReportCorrection to prevent the Bank Deposit Report from being run multiple times. This was causing occasional duplicate cash book entries for the same school shop transactions.SWA02194614
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Details ListingCorrection to ensure that the text direction of Special Names display on the Student Details Listing PDF export as per the 'Special Name Text Direction' option selected in Student Records Setup.MTS03194326
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Labels/Letter MergesCorrection to ensure that when generating emails using an Email Template, both the 'To' field and the Generate Emails banner display the intended recipient group. An issue was occurring where the banner and 'To' field were incorrectly displaying 'Absentee Communications'.KIN02194665
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)PRSPerformance improvements to increase speed across the Enrolments program.N/A194778
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Utilities > Email SettingsCorrection to ensure there are no duplications of Student Absences listed in emails when using the 'Unexplained Absences List' keyword in the System Email Template 'Unexplained Absences Reminder'.ROC01193345
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)VSR Batches (Vic)Correction to date formatting in Coldfusion 2021 from "YYYY-MM-DD" to "yyyy-mm-dd". This was causing errors when attempting to re-instate a student and when running VSR batches.MTS02a194688
TASS.web > UtilitiesEmail SettingsCorrection to ensure that when in View mode of System Email Templates, all email body text and Keywords display. Occasionally, keywords were showing but text was not.N/A194567
TASS.web > UtilitiesTASS Software UpdateFix applied to prevent error occurring when running TASS Software Update program.STJ11194798
TASS.web > APIgetTeachers APICorrection to the LMS API 'getteachers' endpoint to pull the surname from the Teacher Record and not the Person / Employee Record. Also added 'employee_surname' to return the correct Surname for the appropriate record.
See gitHub for details:
Staff Kiosk > LMSActivity PlannerCorrection to print annotations on Activity assessments without encountering an Oops! Error.CHA04194725
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC EntriesCorrection to ensure that cancelled Pastoral Care entries are not visible in Parent Lounge in both the Pastoral Care program and the Notifications areas.N/A194788
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallCorrection to ensure that the correct 'Roll Marked Status' populates in the Attendance Rollcall Report. In some Unitised Timetable setups, rolls that had not been marked were displaying as 'Not required' instead of 'No'.AUT194617
Staff Kiosk > RollcallCustom RollsCorrection to ensure that Custom Rolls display all Activity Levels for an Activity Group when in Edit mode. An issue was present where dynamic Custom Rolls created using an Activity Group that contained multiple Activity Levels was not populating with all Activity Levels when opened in edit mode.TOO02194612
Staff Kiosk > ListingsMy Saved ListsA fix has been applied to ensure that scheduled reports run for all companies in a multi-company instance. The issue affected those customers where each company's TASS.web instance had a unique domain defined in Product Activation Maintenance.CHR01194838
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Staff Leave / Other ApplicationsFix to ensure My Staff Leave Calendar loads without any issues.CAL04194886
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsCommercial DebtorsCorrection to remove the blank field row in Parent Portal under the 'Accounts and Payments' menu when the Online Payments Portal Parameters is not defined in Commercial Debtors Setup.AUS10194650
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsTours and ExcursionsCorrection to ensure Comments are saved for Options when they are entered as part of the payment process.IGN01194593


Release DateNov 25, 2022

This patch provides the new Results: Achievements P-10 (RSLAS) export for Western Australian schools to provide to the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.





IMS Ref.

StudentsStudent Records Setup

Enhancement to the Subject Category Details modal screen to include a new 'SCSA' field option called 'Achievements P-10'.

StudentsSCSA Processing (WA)

Enhancement to the SCSA reports to include a new exportable csv file to meet the 'Achievements P-10 (RSLAS)' reporting requirements to the Western Australian School Curriculum and Standards Authority.



Release DateNov 10th, 2022

This patch includes an important update.






IMS Ref.



Correction to allow opening an Enrolled Student record in Edit mode and edit the 'Addresses and Communication Rules' without receiving an Oops! error.




Friendly Release DateOct 27th, 2022
General Release DateNov 7th, 2022

Major Item


Notes: 'Entered By' field to display user's name.

This enhancement makes it easier to see who has entered a Note or a Confidential Note across many areas of TASS.web and Staff Kiosk by displaying the name, rather than the code, of the user who entered the note.

Student Medical Records Auditing

The Medical Records Auditing project continues, with additional information being inserted into the Change Logs Grid to track changes made to Student Medical Records.
This update includes auditing for the following two areas:

  • Updates from Parent Lounge: Each time a user accepts a Medical update from Parent Lounge.
  • Medical Conditions: Changes made in TASS.web in the 'Medical Conditions' tab, including when users add, update or delete 'General Details', 'Attachments', 'Medication Requirements' and/or 'Notes'.

The Change Logs Grid can be filtered to display only the changes that have occurred in the Student Medical Conditions area, and each record has a View action showing greater detail of the changes made.

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic ReportingResult Formats

Enhancement to the Result Format Summary screen, including:

  • New '+ Add Objective' button in the top right of the grid.
  • New 'View' and 'Edit' icons in the Actions column of existing Objectives.
  • Renaming of existing buttons: 
         '+Add Objective' to '+Create New Objective'.
         '+Add Objective Group' to '+Create New Objective Group'.
         '+Add Assessment Method' to '+Create New Assessment Method'.
TASS.web > MedicalStudent MedicalEnhancement to include audit logging when users add, edit or delete information in the Medical Conditions tab of Student Medical Records. The details will display in the Change Logs Grid.N/A194148
TASS.web > MedicalUpdates from Parent LoungeEnhancement to record the details of the user who accepts Updates from Parent Lounge, where parents have made changes to the student's Medical Details, including General Details, Medical Conditions, Immunisation Register, Immunisations, Medical Practitioners, Supplementary Information or Swimming Level. The details will display in the Change Logs Grid.N/A194440
TASS.web > UtilitiesChange Logs GridEnhancement to record the details when users add, edit or delete information in the Medical Conditions tab of Student Medical Records.N/A194157
TASS.web > Parent AccountsParent StatementsEnhancement to the Parent Code search functionality, where the matching Parent Name may not display if connectivity is lost. If this occurs, a message will display to advise the user 'Parent code search is incomplete. Please review the parent code before proceeding.'INS01194604
TASS.web > ParentsGenerate/Send SMS MessagesUpdated the Print icon to make it consistent with the Print icons in other programs.N/A194557
TASS.web > ParentsParentsUpdated the Print icon in various tabs to make it consistent with the Print icons in other programs.N/A194556
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)NotesEnhancement to display the user's name, rather than their code, in the 'Entered By' field across various TASS.web programs.N/A194481
TASS.web > UsersPortal Security PermissionsEnhancement to the Parent Lounge 'Pastoral Care' permission tool tip text to display 'Student Details > Pastoral Care menu.'N/A194538
TASS.web > APIIdM APIEnhancement to the IdM API to include 'Person position' for the (getParents) endpoint.N/A194571
TASS.web > APILibrary Integration APIEnhancement to the Library Integration API to add a 'ceider' return value in the entity structure for the (getEmployee) and (getEmployees) endpoints.CEO01194611
TASS.web > APIStudent Details APIEnhancement to the Student Details API (getCommunicationRulesDetails) endpoint to include the parent Community Person Numbers.N/A194569
Staff Kiosk > Student DetailsNotesEnhancement to display the user's name, rather than their code, in the Notes areas in Staff Kiosk. This includes the 'Entered By' tooltips on Student Profiles and Teacher Details.N/A194482
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Notes Lists/EmailsEnhancement to the Students Notes (List/Emails) report in Staff Kiosk. When selecting the 'Entered By' Additional Fields option, the name of the user who entered the note will be inserted into the report, rather than the the code of the user.N/A194517






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic ReportingGenerate Exit ReportsCorrection to ensure that when Generating Exit Statements, Extra Curricular activities are printed as expected, without resulting in an Oops error.N/A194418
TASS.web > Academic ReportingReport ProcessingCorrection to ensure that the Reference Year Groups display correctly when using the 'Year Group' keyword in emails sent through the Generate Student Reports, Generate Interim Reports and Generate Exit Statements programs.SOM01194598
TASS.web > Accounts PayableInvoice Aging ReportThe Invoice Aging Report has been reviewed and optimised to improve performance.TOO02193719
TASS.web > AttendanceAttendance Rates ReportCorrection to adhere to the Start and End Dates entered when running the Attendance Rates Report.BCC01194595
TASS.web > AttendanceAttendance Rates ReportEnhancement to the Exception report to detail the specific records that are causing the error.N/A194601
TASS.web > Employee/HREmployee/HR SetupCorrection to Security Role Permissions: User access to the 'Roles' link on the 'HR User Defined Areas' tab in the Employee/HR Setup program is through the Employee/HR 'HR User Defined Areas tab' permission (rather than the previous Administration 'User Maintenance' permission).CHR01194472
TASS.web > EnrolmentsEnrolmentsCorrection to ensure that users with the Enrolments permission 'Confidential Notes tab' are able to view confidential notes attachments for Enrolled Parents without encountering an error message.NUD01194358
TASS.web > EnrolmentsEnrolmentsCorrection to ensure that the Reference Year Groups display correctly in emails sent from Enrolment Worksheet when using the 'Year Group' keyword.SOM01194474
TASS.web > General LedgerBank ReconciliationCorrection to the Upload Statement Transactions matching process. The reconciliation screen will display the OK button only when there is one possible match for each transaction, and will not display where multiple possible transactions exist.BAL01194464
TASS.web > Parent AccountsPrint ReceiptsCorrection to ensure that receipts are sent to the associated parent account only, and that parents with the same email address are not sent duplicate attachments.TRI05194588
TASS.web > ParentsParent Records SetupCorrection to fix an error where Deceased Person notifications were not referenced correctly when creating a new TASS companyCAN002194164
TASS.web > PayrollSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingCorrected a spelling error to display 'Deduction' instead of 'Deducation'.ARE01194356
TASS.web > PayrollTimesheetsCorrection to ensure that imported timesheets calculate correctly and do not result in a one cent difference.STM09194530
TASS.web > StudentLabels/Letter MergesCorrection to ensure that the Reference Year Groups display correctly when using the 'Year Group' keyword in emails sent from Labels/Letter Merges.PAR01194509
TASS.web > StudentStudentsCorrection to save edits made to a relationship Tag in the 'Addresses & Comm Rules' tab on a Student Record, rather than reverting to blank upon save.SWA02194590
TASS.web > (General)ASRCorrection to allow the Attendance Self Registration Portal to produce Late Slips when using ColdFusion2021.STL02194635
TASS.web > (General)Class ListsCorrection to display the Preferred Surname on Class Lists where the 'Student Surname Display Preference' setup parameter has been set to 'Preferred Surname'.AUS02194594
TASS.web > (General)Student Photo GalleryCorrection to display student photos in the Student Photo Galley in Staff Kiosk where students have more than one teacher for a class.CEO01194347
TASS.web > (General)AllPerformance improvements to the Teacher Substitutions program.BIS02194679
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)OpenPDF CF2021Correction to ensure that Parent Statements and Print Receipts are formatted properly on PDF documents.N/A194589
TASS.web > Teacher RecordsDaily SubstitutionsEnhancement to the TASS database schema to optimise performance for the Daily Substitutions program.BIS02194686
TASS.web > Teacher RecordsPTI ConferencesCorrection to ensure PTI Conference reports can be printed without receiving an Oops error, in particular, from the 'Subjects' and 'Required Students' tabs.N/A194469
TASS.web > Teacher RecordsPTI ConferencesCorrection to print the correct appointment dates on all PTI printouts regardless of the number of breaks. The incorrect date was being printed on various reports where multiple breaks existed.MTS01194510
TASS.web > APILISS APICorrection to the LISS 'Publish Timetable' sync to remove the non-mandatory TTSTRUCTURE definition requirement.CAM01194511
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Details (List/Emails)Correction to student searching in Staff Kiosk to produce a list of possible results after entering a minimum of three characters.STH01194351
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Payroll/HRCorrection to add new validation logic to prevent staff from creating duplicate Timesheet Entries for the same date where the Paycode is set as an allowance or fixed amount type.STM09194438
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallCorrection to allow a user to view student UD Area alerts when viewing Class Rollcalls other than their own, where they have the corresponding permission, regardless of the the class teacher's permissions.ISL02194452
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallCorrection to display class rollcalls in Staff Kiosk without receiving Oops errors.ROC01194461


Friendly Release DateSept 22nd, 2022
General Release DateOct 4th, 2022

A summary of the bigger items in this release is included in the table below. Full Release Notes are listed in the tables below the 'Majors'. 

Major Item


Staff Kiosk Ghosting from TASS.web

TASS.web users with the relevant permissions can now log into Staff Kiosk as an employee using the 'Ghost Logon' link available from the employee's TASS.web record. The permissions that have been given to the selected employee will apply to the TASS.web user during the Staff Kiosk session (similar to the current 'Ghost Logon' functionality when logging into Parent Lounge as a parent.)

This enhancement will be valuable for school administrators when trialing or implementing Staff Kiosk programs and settings, allowing them to check functionality prior to rolling out to staff. It will also be helpful when assisting employees who are having issues in Staff Kiosk.

Staff Kiosk Student Medical List

The Student Medical listing can now be exported as an Excel file. Most of the medical details can be included in the export, and the helpful tool tip informs you on which options should not be selected in order to run the export.

Student Medical - Change Logs Grid

The Change Logs Grid now records changes made to Student Medical records in TASS.web. These include adding, updating or deleting information in the General, Notes, and Confidential Notes tabs. The grid can be filtered on each of these three areas via the Source option, and each record has a View action showing greater detail of the changes made.

Further development will occur in this area to include changes made in other Student Medical tabs.

Community Plus: Repair Enrolled Parent Family Records

This new program is available in Community Plus > Setup Information and allows administrators to identify and fix situations where an Enrolled Parent record exists, but no family link is connecting it to its respective person record. Issues of this type may have been identified when running the ‘Check Community Data’ report and are now easily repairable by an administrator. The repairs are made in the backend; there will be no visible change to parent data.

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Employee/HREmployeesEnhancement to allow TASS.web users with the relevant permissions to log into Staff Kiosk as an employee. A 'Ghost Logon' link is available on the General tab of an employee's TASS.web record and will open a Staff Kiosk session that will apply the same permissions as the selected employee.N/A194419
TASS.web > UsersSecurity Role PermissionsEnhancement to include a Security Role Permission to allow TASS.web users to use the 'Ghost Logon' link available on the General tab of an employee's TASS.web record to log into Staff Kiosk as the selected employee.N/A194175
TASS.web > UtilitiesAudit Logs GridEnhancement to include a record in the Audit Logs Grid when a TASS.web user uses the 'Ghost Logon' function to log into Staff Kiosk as an Employee. The text 'GHOST' will display in the Type column of the grid and the name of the TASS.web user can be displayed by hovering over the information icon.N/A194337
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Medical (Lists/Emails)Enhancement to the Student Medical Report in Staff Kiosk which can now be exported as an Excel file. A tool tip besides the 'Export to Excel' radio button will list certain fields that must not be selected in order to activate the Export to Excel option.N/A194421
TASS.web > Medical RecordsStudent MedicalEnhancement to include audit logging of changes made to Student Medical records. This includes adding, editing or deleting information in the General, Notes and Confidential Notes tabs.N/A194060
TASS.web > UtilitiesChange Logs GridEnhancement to record an entry in the Change Logs Grid when a TASS.web user edits a Student Medical record. This includes adding, editing or deleting information in the General, Notes and Confidential Notes tabs.N/A194094
TASS.web > Community PlusCheck Community DataEnhancement to include a new program in Community > Setup Information titled 'Repair Enrolled Parent Family Records'. This report allows administrators to identify and fix situations where an Enrolled Parent record exists, but no family link is connecting it to its respective person record.STJ15194116
TASS.web > UsersSecurity Role PermissionsEnhancement to include a new permission for the 'Repair Enrolled Parent Family Records' program. This security point is a View permission located in the Community section of the Security Role Permissions program.N/A194407
TASS.web > APIStudent Details APIEnhancement to add a new endpoint in the Student Details API for getStudentUDArea to return an array of student UD Areas.WOO01194439
TASS.web > UsersPortal Security PermissionsEnhancement of a new Extra Curricular Portal Security Permission: 'Activity Students (Maintain)'. This will allow staff to view Extra Curricular Groups in Staff Kiosk without editing rights.N/A194466






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > AttendanceAttendance Rates ReportCorrection to generate the Attendance Rates Report when any or all of the Absence Type filters are selected.SHE02194406
TASS.web > EnrolmentsEnrolmentsCorrection to remove the Edit icon when in editing mode in an Enrolled Parent record.N/A194364
TASS.web > Extra CurricularActivity GroupsCorrection to clone Extra Curricular Groups across Terms and Semesters successfully. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered where invalid years exist.ROC01194355
TASS.web > PayrollPay Run ResetCorrection to ensure a Pay Run Reset does not complete when 'Lock Errors' occur.MAR02194477
TASS.web > PayrollTimesheetsCorrection to ensure that only timesheets dated within the current payroll period are included in the pay run.KIN01194476
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Student Records SetupCorrection to prevent Security Roles with the same number code displaying twice in UD Areas > Assigned Security Roles in Student Records Setup and Employee/HR Setup. In addition, when an update occurs to an Assigned Security Role in one of the Setup areas, the Role with the same number Code will not be deleted from the other Setup area.CHR01194431
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)StudentsCorrection to ensure that PHP / HTML appearing in Communication Log entries do not cause layout or usability issues when viewing Student Communication Logs.MAR02194444
Staff Kiosk > TeacherLearning SupportCorrection to allow the Learning Support Adjustment List to be generated for negative year levels. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered when generating this report.SWA02194483
TASS.web > Teacher RecordsPTI ConferencesCorrection to ensure Parent Interview Maintenance is displayed where Parents have adjacent split appointments. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered.MTS03194400
TASS.web > Teacher RecordsPTI ConferencesCorrection to display the user defined Reference Year Groups correctly on all PTI Conference printouts.N/A194422
TASS.web > UsersIdM APICorrection to the IDM API so that the SetParents integration point can create multiple parent user records for the same parent record. Where the parent code and username does not exist, the new combination will be added.MTS03193967
TASS.web > Academic ReportingGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to display images as expected on Student Reports and Exit Statements.TRI05194573


Release DateSep 15th, 2022

This patch includes two important updates.


ModuleMenuDetailsCustomerIMS Ref.

TASS.web > Accounts Payable.web


Correction to prohibit changes to General Ledger grid lines once an invoice/document has been posted. 



Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HR

My Staff Leave / Other Applications

Correction to ensure draft Leave Applications can be submitted successfully without encountering an Oops error.




Friendly Release DateAug 25th, 2022
General Release DateSep 5th, 2022

We've summarised some of the major items in Version 57.9 below. Full Release Notes are listed below the 'Majors'. 

Major Item


Pastoral Care in Parent Lounge

A new 'Pastoral Care' screen is available in Parent Lounge > Student Details > Pastoral Care and will display the student's Pastoral Care entries.
Parents can mark Pastoral Care entries as ‘Acknowledged’, can filter entries by type and date, and can print the list.

The relevant areas to enable this feature include:

  • System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions > Parent Lounge: Tick the new 'Pastoral Care' permission.
  • Staff Kiosk > Pastoral Care > Types (Setup): Enter Y in the 'View in Parent Lounge' field for each Type to display in Parent Lounge.
  • Staff Kiosk > Pastoral Care > Conducts (Setup): Enter Y in the 'View in Parent Lounge' field for each Conduct to display in Parent Lounge.

Call Order for Communication

Parents/Caregivers can now be assigned a 'Call Order' in the 'Addresses and Comm Rules' tab in a student's record.
The Call Order information is a visual prompt on the order in which Parent/Caregivers should be called, and displays after a Parent/Caregiver's name in Staff Kiosk in the following places:

  • Student Profile > Parent/Address Details
  • Listings > Student Medical lists where 'Include Address Details' is selected.

Note that Communication Rules do not apply to Call Order, as those rules relate to system based Email, SMS and Notification type communications. 

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolment InformationEnhancement to Address Validation in the 'New' Parent Enrolment Screen.N/A194297
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolmentsParents/Caregivers can now be assigned a 'Call Order' in the Enrolled Student > 'Addresses and Comm Rules' tab. The call order will be visible in Staff Kiosk on a Student's Profile > Parent/Address Details and on Student Medical lists.N/A194032
TASS.web > Extra Curricular.webActivity GroupsEnhancement of a new Portal Security Permission: System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions > Teacher Kiosk > Extra Curricular > 'Activity Students (Maintain)'. This will allow for the creation of more specific User Roles to allow a user to view Extra Curricular Groups without editing rights.N/A194322
TASS.web > Student.webStudentsParents/Caregivers can now be assigned a 'Call Order' in the Student Record > 'Addresses and Comm Rules' tab. The call order will be visible in Staff Kiosk on a Student's Profile > Parent/Address Details and on Student Medical lists.N/A193944
TASS.web > Student.webStudentsEnhancement to allow multiple Parents to have the same Call Order (eg. Mum and Dad are both Call Order 1, Grandma is Call Order 2).N/A194424
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceEnhancement to Track One Studio API: 3 new fields have been added to select which portals to enable the API for (Staff Kiosk, Parent Lounge, Student Café).N/A194409
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmployee HR APIEnhancement to the Employee HR API getEmployeeUDSetup endpoint handle up to 40 user defined fields.N/A193853
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmployee HR APIEnhancement to the Employee HR API getEmployeeUD endpoint to handle up to 40 user defined fields.N/A193854
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalGhostingEnhancement to the Audit Logs to display Type 'GHOST' when a user logs in using the Ghosting function.N/A194177
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Medical (Lists/Emails)The Call Order for Parents/Caregivers will display on medical reports accessed via Staff Kiosk > Listings > Student Medical (Lists/Emails) where 'Include Address Details' is selected and where Call Order information exists.N/A193949
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CareConduct (Setup)Enhancement includes a new 'View in Parent Lounge' field in Staff Kiosk > Pastoral Care > Conduct (Setup) to determine whether a Pastoral Care entry of each Conduct category should display to Parents in Parent Lounge.N/A194119
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CareType (Setup)Enhancement includes a new 'View in Parent Lounge' field in Staff Kiosk > Pastoral Care > Type (Setup) to determine whether a Pastoral Care entry of each Type should display to Parents in Parent Lounge.N/A194121
Staff Kiosk > Student DetailsStudent Profile > Parent / Address DetailsThe Call Order for Parents/Caregivers will display in Staff Kiosk > Student Profile > Parent / Address Details where Call Order information exists.N/A193947
Parent Lounge > Home PageNotifications AND Items to Action left menuThe following enhancements have been made in the Pastoral Care program in Parent Lounge: 1) Clicking the Pastoral Care notifications link will load the new Student Details > Pastoral Care screen (where schools have applied this permission), and 2) Clicking the 'Acknowledge' checkbox will update the Parent Acknowledged flag and date on the PC Entry.N/A194144
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsPastoral CareA new 'Pastoral Care' screen is available in Parent Lounge > Student Details > Pastoral Care and will display the student's Pastoral Care entries, depending on new 'View in Parent Lounge' settings in the Staff Kiosk > Pastoral Care > Type (Setup) and Conduct (Setup) settings.N/A194125
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsPRSEnhancement of a new Portal Security Permission: System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions > Parent Lounge > 'Pastoral Care'. This will enable a screen in Parent Lounge > Student Details > Pastoral Care displaying the Pastoral Care entries for the student/s.N/A194124






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to include the .header .userdef2 element in Generated Student Reports regardless of signatory option.CHA03194270
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to print extra curricular activities on Student Reports. Effecting those with a TASS Stack running CF 2021.MTS03194315
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to ensure that all reports are generated and sent when emailing academic reports.GOO01194362
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webInvoicesCorrection to the 'Invoices Hold Payment' permission. Staff are now able to update the Hold invoice function with only edit invoice permission.NUD01194328
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webInvoicesCorrection to Supplier Transaction invoices where duplicate lines appeared when tied to fixed assets.AUS13194385
TASS.web > Attendance.webNotifications from Parent LoungeCorrection to ensure that Absence Notifications from Parent Lounge refer to the correct Campus Description.AUT194334
TASS.web > Attendance.webStudent AttendanceCorrection to allow recurring absences to be created for Students within a previous attendance period.KIN01194386
TASS.web > Fundraising.webDonorsCorrection to allow a user to remove a person from a Donor record when the surname includes an apostrophe.ROC01194354
TASS.web > General Ledger.webGST on Tax Journals ReportCorrection to the GST on Tax Journals Report to ensure that Credit and Debits are correctly calculated.LIV01194427
TASS.web > General Ledger.webJournalsCorrection to allow users to edit unposted Cash Book Journals where bank feeds are not enabled.PAC02194455
TASS.web > Medical.webUpdates from Parent LoungeCorrection to how Medical Updates in Tass.web display when entered through Parent Lounge.NAM01194387
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webOverdue RemindersCorrection to reliably export address details to Word Merge files.SST01194316
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webParent StatementsCorrection to prevent error when Publishing Parent Statements. Effecting those with a TASS Stack running CF 2021.MTS03194405
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webParent StatementsCorrection to ensure that each Parent receives the correct statement when Parent Statements are published to Parent Lounge. Effecting those with a TASS Stack running CF 2021.MTS03194428
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webPayment SchedulesCorrection to stop Parents entering payment instalments dates past the Latest Date of First Instalment.MER01194344
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup > Pay Point tabCorrection to allow user to Add/Edit/Delete a pay point without error.N/A194447
TASS.web > School Shop.webReceiptsCorrection to School Shop receipting to ensure that the 'Entered By' field is being correctly populated.TRI02194329
TASS.web > Student.webStudentsCorrection to a 'Date of Leaving' message when trying to delete a student contained within a VSR batch. Message now displays as 'You cannot remove the date of leaving for this student because they are part of an Unresolved VSR batch'. Applicable to VIC schools only.BIL01193070
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)LMS AssessmentCorrection to student assessment draft feedback file so that is loads correctly.STJ01194459
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesCorrection to include all students accurately in historical PTI Conference subject listings, regardless of the students' current Year Group.CAN001194085
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesCorrection to ensure that the Reference Year Group displays correctly in all Parent Teacher Interviews screens.SWA07194350
TASS.web > Utilities.webData Upload UtilityCorrection to allow employee data to be uploaded without the State, Postcode and Country fields.KIN01194336
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmail SettingsCorrection to add and view attachments or Word Merge files as expected in email templates.PAC02194340
Staff Kiosk > CalendarMy CalendarCorrection to reliably export events to Google Calendar.LIN01194318
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to display more than 4 digits in the 'Amount Paid' field in the Event Edit screen.STP10194346
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalStudent Advanced SearchCorrection to the student advance search print report from Staff Kiosk to adhere to the filters of the search.FOR01194392
Staff Kiosk > LMSLearning Objects (Maintain & Assign)Correction to allow all students of a subject/class to access the class resources, regardless of the Year Group defined against the subject record.CHA04194357
Staff Kiosk > LMSLMS AssessmentCorrection to silently log an error where the plagiarism gateway is offline.STJ01194348
Staff Kiosk > TeacherResource BookingsOptimisation of the query when booking resources to prevent errors occurring on complex environments.MEN01193839
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC EntriesCorrection to reliably populate a Student's code when adding a new Pastoral Care entry.TORR01194353
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC EntriesCorrection to retain Pastoral Care entries to assigned calendar events. In some instances, modifying a Calendar event with PC entries attached to it caused the PC entries to become orphaned.GRA01194388
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC Entries (Lists/Emails)Correction to view attachments or Word Merge files as expected in email templates.CAR02194343
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Staff Leave / Other ApplicationsCorrection to allow processing of a leave application where there are terminated approvers, so long as at least one current employee / approver is found.KNO01194338
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallCorrection to ensure that the Staff Kiosk banner displays properly after closing the 'Edit Substitute Class Tasks' screen.GRE01194402
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)Events & PaymentsCorrection to the Medical Details pop up: the 'View/Update Details' link will display for the 'Immunisations', 'Medical Practitioners' and 'Supplementary Information' sections, regardless of whether any details are present.N/A194389
TASS.web > APIAPI Gateway MaintenanceCorrection to the LISS API allowing the type field parameter to be empty.SOU07194527
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBank Accounts DashboardCorrection to allow faster loading the Banking Dashboard screen.CAN001194524


Friendly Release DateJul 28th, 2022
General Release DateAug 08th, 2022

What's New?


ModuleMenuDetailsCustomerIMS Ref.
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsEvents and PaymentsEnhancement to update all "View Details" links within the Medical popup to read "View / Update Details" to indicate user are able to update details.N/A194323
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webChequesEnhancement to prevent users editing a Cheque after it has been matched within a Bank Reconciliation.N/A194272
TASS.web > APICloud Drives APIsEnhancement to update the Google Drive file picker to the new The Google Picker API.STJ17193868
TASS.web > APIIdM APIEnhancement to return additional data within the IdM API getEmployees endpoint to determine if the employee is a teacher.ERC001194140
TASS.web > APIOnline Enrolments APIEnhancement to the Online Enrolment API to allow for multiple addresses to be set within the setEnrolledStudents endpoint as well as including a new GetParentAddressSetup endpointN/A192114
TASS.web > APIOnline Enrolments API

Enhancement to the Online Enrolments API to include the additional endpoints to facilitate getting and setting Student Medical Data:


TASS.web > APIOnline Enrolments API

Enhancement to add the following endpoints to the Online Enrolments API to facilitate adding student and parent notes to online enrolments:


TASS.web > General Ledger.webAccountsEnhancement to add a Delete option to the General tab screen when it is invoked in edit mode, allowing deletion of an Account. Validations are in place to stop accidental deletions where the account is in use.N/A193886
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBank Charges and CreditsEnhancement to prevent users editing a Cash Book transaction after it has been matched within a Bank Reconciliation.N/A194268
TASS.web > General Ledger.webPRSEnhancement to add a new security point to allow deletion of a General Ledger Account.N/A193885
TASS.web > Medical.webPRSThis project is ongoing. Enhancement to create Student Medical audit tables for development of change logs for student medical data.N/A194231
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC EntriesEnhancement to Parent Contact Info by enabling SMTP Emailing by clicking an Email icon or via clicking a new Email All button.N/A194063
TASS.web > Student.webPRSEnhancement to rename 'SES Export (Aus)' to 'Address Collection (Aus)' within TASS.web menu and security points.N/A194038
TASS.web > Student.webSES Export (Aus)Enhancement to rename 'SES Export (Aus)' to 'Address Collection (Aus)' within the UI.N/A194039
TASS.web > Student.webStudent Attend. – STATS (Aus)Enhancement to the STATS Exception report to detail the specific records that are causing the error.COO01193382
TASS.web > Student.webStudent Records SetupEnhancement to include a conditional 'Include Inactive Subjects' filter that is only active when "Include Subjects linked to Subject Area" is checked.HIL01194282
TASS.web > Student.webStudent Records Setup (Campus)Enhancement to allow schools to delete a Campus if it is not in use and there are no outstanding Online Enrolments records referencing it.AUS05194201
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webLeave & SubstitutionEnhancement to support an audit log for when adding, editing or deleting a Teacher Leave record.N/A193951


ModuleMenuDetailsCustomerIMS Ref.
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webAssessment SetupCorrection to reintroduce the Analytics Exception Report in the action column for the rows where an objective has multiple assessment methods in the current and/or archived Result Formats.AUS08194321
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to ensure validation logic for conditional fields on the Print tab do not inadvertently stay disabled or cleared where not appropriate.N/A194314
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webResult Based Comment TranslationsCorrection to ensure Result Based Comment Translations save correctly in both unitised and non-unitised timetable mode.TOO02194300
TASS.web > Community PlusEnrolment WorksheetCorrection to remove Edit access to Transferred enrolled student records via the enrolment worksheet.SST01194305
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to ensure SMS is able to be sent to students where referencing younger/older siblings to be more reliable/consistent.SWA02194210
TASS.web > Fixed Assets.webTransaction BatchesCorrection to reintroduce the auto population of the 'Transaction Description' field while adding an Asset where appropriate.STH01194290
TASS.web > Fundraising.webDonorsCorrection to allow Donor records to be created with a non-tokenised Address when using the Address Validation API.STJ11194327
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBank Accounts DashboardCorrection to ensure that the 'All transactions have been reconciled!' notification is only displayed when all transactions for the selected date have been matched.RIV02193086
Staff Kiosk > ListingsClass List/EmailsCorrection to ensure a default Year and Period are selected on load of the program.LIN01194078
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Absences (Lists/Emails)Correction to allow the 'Generate Emails' option to work with the Student Absences (List/Emails) listing without error.PIT01194307
Staff Kiosk > LMSLMS AssessmentCorrection to prevent OOPS error when navigating via the Back button in unitised timetable mode.AUS08194251
Staff Kiosk > LMSMy ClassesCorrection to email students of a subject/class to adhere to subject date ranges where applied.ROC01194250
Staff Kiosk > LMSParameters (setup)Enhancement to references to 'LMS'. and replace with 'Assessment'.N/A194253
Staff Kiosk > LMSParameters (setup)Correction to stop an infinite loop alert when entering an incorrect LMS Repository Location.N/A194254
Student Cafe > My ActivitiesCurricularCorrection to Fix Student Cafe > My Activities > Curricular Activities and Staff Kiosk > Assessment > Activity Assessment to ensure they reference the archived assessment validations once the result period the activity has been assigned to is archived.MAR02194352
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webPayment SchedulesCorrection to prevent users from saving payment schedules where the opening balance due date and instalment 1 due date are the same.PRI02194089
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webReceiptsCorrection to ensure parent names are correctly displayed within Receipts where the name contains an apostrophe (').TRI05194202
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC Entries (Lists/Emails)Correction to ensure any data relevant to the saved PC Entries (Lists/Emails) listing Generate Emails is returned in the attachment in the generated email when 'My Year Groups' is used as the Student Selection mode.FRE01194284
TASS.web > Payroll.webSuperannuation FundsCorrection to remove the validation logic on the 'SGC Minimum Period' field for both Add and Edit modes so it doesn't check that 'SGC Minimum Monthly Earnings' and 'SGC Minimum Yearly Earnings' in Super Parameters are greater than $0.00SHE02194317
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsMedical DetailsCorrection to ensure the verifying medical details UI displays correctly on a mobile device or tablet.LAU01194281
TASS.web > Teacher Records.webPTI ConferencesCorrection to ensure that whenever a PTI Schedule list is shown it conforms to an ascending Date/time sort order (earliest appointment shown first). Additionally, ensure room details within Parent Lounge > PTI Book Appointment screen are accurate.MAI01193971
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceCorrection to ensure Apple School Manager files are generated during the nightly scheduled task.STJ15194249
TASS.web > Utilities.webMenu MaintenanceCorrection to ensure Extra Curricular > Student Information > Activity Groups menu item uses the appropriate 'Activity Groups' permission point. A data migration is included to ensure all users with existing access will remain.TOO02194279


Friendly Release DateJul 7th, 2022
General Release DateJul 18th, 2022

We've summarised some of the big-ticket items in Version 57.7 below. Full Release Notes are listed below the 'majors'. 

Major Item


TrackOne Integration

Staff, students and parents can now seamlessly navigate from the TASS portal products into the TrackOne Studio Learning Analytics Suite, supporting the use of data insights for more effective decision-making and goal-setting. 

Check out the TrackOne Integration Checklist for more details. 

Payroll API

The new Payroll API allows schools to efficiently and securely extract payroll data from TASS for external analysis, using a range of endpoints including employee details and transaction history.

For full details on the endpoints, check out our GitHub page

This API is included in the TASS Premium license and available on the Basic licence for a cost per annum. For full details on costs, refer to API Licencing.

Report Updates

A new Extra Curricular Activity Payments report has been added to Staff Kiosk, which generates a list of payments for student extra-curricular activities.

This report, and the Attendance Rollcall Status report, have both been made available for report scheduling, so you can automate the delivery of these important insights to your inbox.

Check out the Maintaining Schedules video to learn how scheduling works. 

Learning Support

Continuing from the last release's updates to the Learning Support module, v57.7 introduces bulk tools for copying Class Plans across different years and semesters. Schools can now also generate email notifications for relevant teachers, to notify them of new Class Plans.

OAuth2 API Authentication

OAuth2 authentication options have been added to the API maintenance tabs, allowing third-party products to connect to TASS APIs as a unique entity.

For full details on the endpoints, check out our GitHub page. 

Digistorm, our Mobile App API Certified Partner, has been through the required testing and certification on this new API.

API Updates

Enhancements have been made to the General Ledger API, to make date parameters optional when exporting data from TASS.

The Medical Conditions endpoint in the Student Details API has also been expanded to include general notes and medication requirements for students.

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webAssessment SetupEnhancement to ensure when printing and exporting to excel from the 'Comments' tab, the 'Category Code' and 'Category Description' are included as a column.ABP01194168
TASS.web > APIGeneral Ledger Analytics APIEnhancements to the following endpoints: - make the 'Year' and 'Period' parameters optional for 'getAccountBalances' endpoint. - make the 'Year', 'Period' and 'Account Code' parameters optional for 'getAccountTransactions' endpoint.N/A194198
TASS.web > APIIdM APIEnhancement to ensure that when a person is marked as deceased on their person record, they will not load when using the getParents endpoint.N/A193905
TASS.web > APIStudent Details APIEnhancement to update the GetMedicalConditions endpoint to return 'General Note' and 'Medication Requirements' within 'Medical Conditions'.KNO01194180
Staff Kiosk > CalendarMy CalendarEnhancement to add an error code when receiving calendar sync requests that do not have any data.N/A194173
Staff Kiosk > Extra CurricularPayments ReportEnhancement to add a new Extra Curricular Activity Payments Report. This report generates a list of payments made for student extra-curricular activities and includes scheduling functionality.MER01193157
Staff Kiosk > Extra CurricularPayments ReportEnhancement to enable scheduling functionality for this report.N/A194019
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalClass AnalyticsEnhancement to display the 'TrackOne Analytics' button when the school is licensed for TrackOne Studio.N/A194191
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalTimetable Hamburger MenuEnhancement to display the 'TrackOne Analytics' button when the school is licensed for TrackOne Studio.N/A194190
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalTop ToolbarEnhancement to display the 'TrackOne Analytics' icon when the school is licensed for TrackOne Studio.N/A194188
Staff Kiosk > LMSActivity AssessmentEnhancement to access this program will either require the 'Activity Assessment - Assigned / Responsible' or 'Activity Assessment - All' permission points.N/A194179
Staff Kiosk > LMSActivity Assessment GridEnhancement to access this program will either require the 'Activity Assessment - Assigned / Responsible' or 'Activity Assessment - All' permission points.N/A194185
Staff Kiosk > LMSActivity Files GridEnhancement to access this program will either require the 'Activity Assessment - Assigned / Responsible' or 'Activity Assessment - All' permission points.N/A194187
Staff Kiosk > LMSActivity PlannerEnhancement to display a hover over message when a user does not have permission to access an activity.N/A194208
Staff Kiosk > LMSAssess StudentEnhancement to access this program will either require the 'Activity Assessment - Assigned / Responsible' or 'Activity Assessment - All' permission points.N/A194186
Parent Lounge > Parent Lounge (Portal)Top ToolbarEnhancement to display the 'TrackOne Analytics' icon when the school is licensed for TrackOne Studio.N/A194192
TASS.web > Payroll.webPayroll SetupEnhancement to add the 'Salary Sacrifice Type' field to 'Additional Fields' when clicking 'Print' on the Payroll Setup - Paycodes tab.STP01193978
Staff Kiosk > RollcallAttendance Rollcall StatusEnhancement to add a new permission point and to enable report scheduling for the 'Attendance Rollcall Status Report'.N/A194020
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallEnhancement to update the 'Timetable' field to a multi-select picklist that displays all timetables.BRI02194101
Student Cafe > Student CafeTop ToolbarEnhancement to display the 'TrackOne Analytics' icon when the school is licensed for TrackOne Studio.N/A194194
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsAcademic AnalyticsEnhancement to display the 'TrackOne Analytics' button when the school is licensed for TrackOne Studio.N/A194193
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsAcademic ReportsEnhancement to display the 'TrackOne Analytics' button when the school is licensed for TrackOne Studio.N/A194195
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsAcademic Results & CommentsEnhancement to display the 'TrackOne Analytics' button when the school is licensed for TrackOne Studio.N/A194196
Staff Kiosk > Student DetailsAnalyticsEnhancement to add the 'TrackOne Analytics' button to the 'Analytics' button dropdown list. It only displays when the school is licensed for TrackOne Studio.N/A194189
TASS.web > Student.webStudent Attend. - STATS (Aus)Enhancement to limit exception checking for student absence records between specified start and end dates.N/A194217
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)PRSEnhancement to improve performance when viewing Communication Logs within TASS.web and portal products.MUE01194236
Staff Kiosk > TeacherLearning SupportEnhancement to include a new 'Copy Class Plans' bulk action in 'Consolidated Mode'. The bulk action: - allows Class Plans to be copied from a Year/Sem picklist. - generates emails to notify teachers of new Class Plans. - includes a new 'Copy Class Plans Grid' screen to enter options for the copy process.N/A193860
Staff Kiosk > TeacherLearning SupportEnhancement to include a new 'Copy Class Plans' bulk action. This program will allow staff to copy class plans in bulk. It includes a new 'Copy Class Plans Grid' screen.N/A193861
TASS.web > Timetable.webGenerate Master TimetableThis item is behind a feature flag. Enhancement to include a Teacher Substitution Conflicts Report.N/A193946
TASS.web > Users.webPortal Security PermissionsEnhancement to add a new permission point for Extra Curricular Payments report for Staff Kiosk.N/A193859
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceEnhancement to display OAuth2 Applications API tab. This program enables authentication to TASS.web via an API which uses OAuth2 authentication. It allows third party products to connect to TASS.web APIs as a unique entity to return specific data.N/A194289
TASS.web > Utilities.webPayroll APIEnhancement to add the following new endpoints to the Payroll API: - getPayrolls. - getPositionsSetup. - getRateCodesSetup. - getPaycodeGroupsSetup. - getPaycodesSetup.AUS05194069
TASS.web > Utilities.webPayroll APIEnhancement to create a new getEmployeePayrollDetails endpoint for the new Payroll API. This endpoint will return an array of structured employee data including address, next of kin and payroll details.AUS05194102
TASS.web > Utilities.webPayroll APIEnhancement to create a new getPaymentTransactions endpoint for the new Payroll API. This endpoint will return an array of structured transaction data available in the 'Payment Transaction Report, when 'Transaction Details Record' report layout is selected.AUS05194103
TASS.web > Utilities.webTASS LicencingEnhancement to add a new Payroll API. This program provides access to Payroll data using an API.AUS05194043






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webAssessment MethodsCorrection to ensure that the 'Code' field processes all supported special characters.TORR01194301
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webAssessment SetupEnhancement to include 'Code' and 'Comment Text' filters on the 'Comments' popup screen, located by clicking the 'Comments' icon, under the 'Action' column on the 'Comments' tab.ABP01194133
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webAssessment SetupCorrection to ensure the sort by function on columns in the 'Comments' popup screen, located when clicking the 'Comments' icon in the 'Action' column on the 'Comments' tab, works by sorting in ascending and descending order.ABP01194169
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webRestore Subject OutlinesCorrection to ensure this program properly takes the 'Year Group' into account when restoring outlines for a Unitised Timetable.GEN01194122
TASS.web > Attendance.webAttendance Rates ReportCorrection to ensure the exception report only includes exceptions included in the filter scope.N/A194042
TASS.web > Attendance.webAttendance Rates ReportCorrection to update the 'Year Group' field to allow it to convert values correctly when running the report. This will ensure Oops! errors are not encountered.SWA02194271
TASS.web > Attendance.webAttendance Rates ReportOptimise the 'Attendance Rates Report' to improve performance.KIN01194306
Parent Lounge > CalendareDiaryCorrection to ensure that when a parent has students in different year levels, when selecting a 'Calendar Feed' for one student and then changing to another student, who does not have permission to view that 'Calendar Feed', the 'Calendar Feed' is disabled and is not displayed, and the generic calendar appears. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered.N/A194130
Staff Kiosk > CalendarMy CalendarCorrection to ensure the start and end times display correctly when selecting the 'Details View' for an Extra Curricular Event.KIN02194108
Staff Kiosk > CalendarMy CalendarCorrection to ensure the start and end times are set as expected when entering a 'Quick Event' through the calendar and not using the 'Detailed' mode.DOW01194221
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolment Details ListingCorrection to ensure the Enrolment Details Listing displays when the chosen UD Area's table reference fields are non-sequential. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered.STJ01193406
TASS.web > Extra Curricular.webExtra Curricular SetupCorrection to ensure only alphanumeric values can be used as 'Activity Codes'.LIN01193819
TASS.web > General Ledger.webBAS PreparationCorrection to ensure GST amounts for new tax journal are included in the 'System Calculated' values in the Summary of GST Totals for 1A and 1B.GEN01194214
Staff Kiosk > Home PageAdvanced Student SearchCorrection to ensure the Student Name link opens to the 'Student Profile'. This will prevent 404 errors from occurring.STP09194028
Staff Kiosk > Kiosk PortalGenerate SMTP EmailsCorrection to ensure 'Hyperlinks' in emails act as a link and are formatted correctly.N/A194200
Staff Kiosk > ListingsClass List/EmailsCorrection to ensure the values within the 'Classes' box are relevant to the program and they are in the format: 'Subject', 'Description', 'Year' and 'Class'.MTS01193989
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Medical (Lists/Emails)Correction to ensure that 'Include Students with no medical history' feature works as expected, where the report only displays students with medical history when unchecked and includes students with no medical history when selected.CHA04194141
Staff Kiosk > LMSActivity PlannerCorrection to ensure 'Activity Assessment' page heading displays the reporting period associated with the assigned activity.N/A194286
Staff Kiosk > LMSLearning ObjectsCorrection to ensure the 'Subject Class' field, located when clicking '+ Create Learning Objective' and selecting 'Activity', initially displays 'Select a Subject'.N/A193994
Student Cafe > My ActivitiesCurricularCorrection to ensure that subjects appear in the 'My Classes' popup. This will prevent the error 'Requested URL not found' from being encountered.BAL01193985
TASS.web > Parent Accounts.webCharges & CreditsCorrection to ensure Parent Account charges or credits can be viewed with an inactive fee code. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered.SWA08194095
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC EntriesCorrection to change the Date/Time message for an All Day Pastoral Care Calendar Entry from 'End' to 'All-Day'.RED20194098
Staff Kiosk > Pastoral CarePC EntriesCorrection to ensure when using the 'Bulk Add' function emails are sent to both Email 1 and Email 2, when there is a second email listed.STJ18194206
TASS.web > Payroll.webEmployeesCorrection to ensure that when a user has 'Edit' access to the 'General' and 'Address' tabs, but only view access to 'Payroll Details' and 'Tax & Bank' tabs, that no data will change on the 'View' only tabs when updating information on tabs a user has permission to edit.TOO02194234
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRLeave Analysis - Staff (Report)Correction to add a 'Close' button allowing a user to exit from the 'File Download' screen.KIN02194203
TASS.web > School Shop.webStudent/Family StatementsCorrection to ensure the when sending a 'Second Copy of Statement' via email, the correct email associated with the address block is selected.MAR02194051
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsEmail Class TeachersCorrection to ensure that if more than one email address is required to be sent the correct popup module appears that allows users to determine if email addresses should be separated by a Semicolon or Comma.TOO02193857
Staff Kiosk > Student DetailsMedical DetailsCorrection to ensure that the email links are working correctly when double quotes are included in the address. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered.N/A194256
Staff Kiosk > Student DetailsStudent RecordCorrection to ensure the 'Current location' field considers campus specific timetables when the 'Multiple Campus Enabled' field located in Timetable Setup is set to 'Yes'.KIN01193968
TASS.web > Student.webLabels/Letter MergesCorrection to ensure the 'Generate Emails' function will correctly filter on selected UD fields from the 'Parent UD' tab ensuring the correct email recipients are displayed.KIN01194083
TASS.web > Student.webStudent Records SetupCorrection to ensure that when generating an email, departments not attached to a subject can be added to the 'Additional Recipients' list.SWA07193984
TASS.web > Student.webStudentsOptimise the 'Communication Log' to improve performance.MUE01193791
TASS.web > Timetable.webTimetable SetupCorrection to ensure users are not able to: - Reduce the total periods of a day if data exists on the periods tab i.e. if there are currently 7 periods defined on the Periods tab, you will have to remove Period 7 data if you'd like to alter the total periods on the Days tab to 6. - Remove period tab data if timetable records exist for that period. This correction fixes an issue where hidden periods are being displayed in the timetable i.e., you could previously alter the total number of periods without removing the data.FOR01194113
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceCorrection to ensure that when clicked the 'Download SP Metadata XML' button on the OAuth2.0 API downloads the applicable XML file.N/A194065
TASS.web > Utilities.webEmail SettingsCorrection to ensure the Banner attachment for 'Email Templates' and 'System Email Templates' does not accept files which exceed the acceptable size limit.N/A193864
TASS.web > Utilities.webMail Spool MaintenanceCorrection to ensure undelivered emails can be filtered on when running this program. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered.VIL01194109


Release DateJun 27th, 2022






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to ensure that when using ''Deliver via EMAIL where possible' and 'Use Communication Rules', where some parents with the associated Communication Rule do not have any email addresses, reports are only sent to the correct recipient.CHR03194309


Release Date10th June
General Release21st June

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webCopy Data to ArchiveEnhancement to include 'Valid Results' and 'Calculation Rules' as part of the archiving process.N/A193918
TASS.web > APILISS APIEnhancement to the 'publishClasses' and 'publishTimetable' endpoints to include 'Duty' and 'Staff Meeting' elements, as well as room code error checking.N/A193956
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolments

This item is behind a feature flag.

Enhancement to include a new 'Call Order' column in the 'Addresses & Communication Rules' tab. This allows a call order to be entered against address numbers associated to a 'Communication Type'.

Staff Kiosk > Extra CurricularPayments Report

This item is behind a feature flag.

Enhancement to add a new Extra Curricular Activity Payments Report. This report generates a list of payments made for student extra-curricular activities and includes scheduling functionality.

Staff Kiosk > LMSActivity PlannerRemove the reference to 'LMS Assessment' (old terminology).N/A194049
Staff Kiosk > LMSMarkbook

This item is behind a feature flag.

Enhancement to include a new 'Markbook' permission to enable access to Markbook in Staff Kiosk.

Staff Kiosk > LMSMarkbook

This item is behind a feature flag.

Enhancement to include the new 'Markbook' menu item in the top menu under 'Assessment'.

Staff Kiosk > LMSMarkbook

This item is behind a feature flag.

Enhancement to add the Markbook functionality in webBook to Staff Kiosk. The Markbook program will include:

- Objective Weightings.

- Final Results Calculations.

- Overall Grade Calculations.

Staff Kiosk > LMSMarkbook

This item is behind a feature flag.

Enhancement to display open 'Reporting Periods' that are assigned to the user.

Staff Kiosk > LMSMarkbook

This item is behind a feature flag.

Enhancement to display the user's classes that have a 'Result Format' defined for the selected 'Reporting Period'.

Staff Kiosk > LMSParameters (Setup)

Enhancements to the Parameters (Setup) to:

- update the screen name from 'LMS Parameters' to 'Assessment Parameters'.

- include a 'Markbook Options' section heading.

- add the 'School Name for Kiosk Markbook' field.

TASS.web > Payroll.webSuperannuation FundsEnhancement to allow the 'SGC Minimum Monthly Earnings' and 'SGC Minimum Yearly Earnings' fields on the 'Super Parameters' tab to be set to zero.N/A194156
TASS.web > Payroll.webUser/Payroll AccessEnhancement to add two new tabs to this program, including: - the 'User Access'' tab is used to control user access to Payroll. - the 'API Access' tab used to control Payroll API access.N/A194067
Staff Kiosk > Student DetailsStudent Profile > Learning SupportEnhancement to the 'Learning Support' screen in 'Class Plans' mode to ensure: - Only active class plans for the latest Year/Sem are displayed. - A 'Year/Sem' shows next to the section header. - Next/Prev buttons are included to allow users to move through each Year/Sem.N/A193776
TASS.web > Student.webStudent Records SetupEnhancements to the 'Student Records' tab to introduce parameter fields required for Special Names (eg. Hebrew Name).N/A193668
TASS.web > Student.webStudentsEnhancement to update icons to a more modern look and feel on the 'Student Search' and 'Student Maintenance' screen.N/A193845
TASS.web > Student.webStudents

This item is behind a feature flag.

Enhancement to include a new 'Call Order' column in the 'Addresses & Communication Rules' tab. This allows a call order to be entered against address numbers associated to a 'Communication Type'.

TASS Update > TASS UpdateTASS UpdateEnhancement to the TASS Update System to increase upgrade stability and efficiency. If you experience an upgrade failure, please advise TASS Technical Services.N/A194167
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Important NotificationsEnhancement to the homepage to include new modern icons.N/A193844
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)PRSEnhancement to facilitate better performance for the master scheduled task. This task is used for various programs such as Student analytics.N/A193933
Staff Kiosk > TeacherLearning SupportEnhancement to add a 'My Students' filter to the Learning Support landing page. This filter will only be displayed in 'Expanded Mode' and the user has been assigned the 'All Support Plans' permission.N/A193769
Staff Kiosk > TeacherLearning SupportEnhancements to the 'Class Plans' page including: - Only displaying active class plans for the latest Year/Sem. - A new 'Year/Sem' column. - Next/Prev buttons to toggle through each Year/Sem. - An 'Include Inactive' button.N/A193772
Staff Kiosk > TeacherLearning Support

This item is behind a feature flag.

Enhancement to include a new 'Copy Class Plans' bulk action in 'Consolidated Mode'. The bulk action: - allows Class Plans to be copied from a Year/Sem picklist. - generates emails to notify teachers of new Class Plans. - includes a new 'Copy Class Plans Grid' screen to enter options for the copy process.

TASS.web > Timetable.webGenerate Master Timetable

This item is behind a feature flag.

Enhancement to ensure that after generating a new Master Timetable, any changes are updated in Teacher Leave records.

TASS.web > Timetable.webTimetable SetupEnhancement to check that when the 'Timetable flag', on the 'Rooms' tab in Timetable Setup, is being set to 'No' the room is not being used by the LISS program. If the room is in use by the LISS program and alert message will be generated.N/A194033
TASS.web > Users.webPortal Security PermissionsEnhancement to include 'HR UD Areas' permissions in the 'Export to Excel', accessed via the 'User Permissions' Print tab.N/A193824
TASS.web > Users.webPortal Security PermissionsEnhancement to include 'Student UD Areas' permissions in the 'Export to Excel', accessed via the 'User Permissions' Print tab.N/A193837
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceNew 'TrackOne Studio Integration' API used to connect to TrackOne through Staff Kiosk and Parent Portal. Launch points throughout the portal products will be in a subsequent release.N/A193836
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceEnhancement to the 'LISS Integration Details' screen to include the following fields: - 'Include Duty'. - 'Default Duty Room Code'. - 'Include Staff Meetings'. - 'Default Staff Meeting Room Code'.N/A193955
TASS.web > Utilities.webAPI Gateway MaintenanceEnhancement to add a new Payroll API. This API provides access to Payroll data including employee details and transaction history. Endpoint functionality will be in a subsequent release.AUS05194045






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webAssessment SetupCorrection to ensure data can be removed from the 'Activity Assessment Code' field on the 'Result Formats' tab and left blank when saved.N/A194072
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webAssessment SetupCorrection to ensure that when adding a comment with a bullet point on the 'Comments' tab, the actual bullet point character remains when saving the comment.STU02194183
TASS.web > Academic Reporting.webGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to ensure that when generating the report, the student's Hebrew name is displayed the same as it is entered on the Student Record.MTS03194220
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsSchool Fees AccountCorrection to ensure parents, when adding a payment schedule, can choose a 'Start Date' up to the 'First Instalment Date' regardless of the instalment intervals (Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly).MAR02193751
Parent Lounge > Accounts & PaymentsSchool Fees AccountCorrection to ensure an exception error does not occur when parents click on 'School Fees Account' for schools that don't have the Edstart Payment Plan API enabled.SHE02194009
TASS.web > Accounts Payable.webInvoicesCorrection to ensure all data for an Invoice is displayed and the appropriate Purchase Order grid can be seen.AUS05194182
TASS.web > APIEdstart PL Payment Plan APICorrection to ensure the 'Vendor ID' and the 'Merchant ID' uses the correct values. In addition, the BPAY condition for the Edstart Payment Plan has also been removed.CLA02194197
TASS.web > Commercial Debtors.webReceiptsCorrection to ensure that only one batch lock is created when saving a receipt. This ensures the following error 'Your record lock expired! Your changes have not ben saved!' is not encountered.LIV01194077
TASS.web > Enrolments.webEnrolmentsCorrection to ensure that when creating a new enrolment, parents can only be added via the Search function or clicking 'New'. This will ensure missing name token errors in the 'Critical Data Report' are not encountered.CHA04193982
Staff Kiosk > EventsEvents and PaymentsCorrection to ensure that when editing an Event the 'Gross Amount', 'Tax Amount' and 'Net Amount' can manage values that have 2 numbers after the decimal place. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered.LAK02194219
Staff Kiosk > ListingsClass List/EmailsCorrection to ensure the 'Year / Sem' field auto-populates with the current Term/Semester. This will ensure the generated report displays the current class list.GRE01194011
Staff Kiosk > ListingsMy Saved ListsEnhancement to include more information in the Exception Log when a Scheduled Report fails.PAC02194162
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Absences (Lists/Emails)A correction has been applied to allow the report to sort in the correct order. This will ensure duplicate records are not displayed.BBC01193354
Staff Kiosk > LMSActivity PlannerCorrection to ensure that calculation rules using a value of -1 should be excluded when calculating 'Activity Total Score'.MTS01193976
Staff Kiosk > LMSActivity PlannerCorrection to ensure users can view an activity assigned to a group, rather than a subject, when the 'Activity Assessment - All' permission point, designed for TASS administrators, has not been assigned to users. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered.CHA04194240
TASS.web > Parents.webParentsCorrection to the loading time for parent accounts to ensure faster processing.STP07193785
TASS.web > Payroll.webSuper Remittance File/ReportCorrection to ensure that when a SAFF report is generated only one record is created for an employee that has two payroll numbers.KIN01194036
TASS.web > Payroll.webUpdate Pay RunA correction has been applied to ensure the program can process large record sets without encountering Oops! Errors.SAM01194216
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Staff Leave / Other ApplicationsCorrection to ensure schools that have Single Sign On using SAML enabled, clicking a URL provided in a TASS.web email will send users to the specific link location and not the product home page. For example, users will be sent directly to an employee leave application approval page, rather than Staff Kiosk Home Page.GLE01193437
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Staff Leave / Other ApplicationsCorrection to ensure that a leave application can be approved and the screen does not become unresponsive when the: - Supervisor Hierarchy has been built without a level 1 for any current employee, and - Leave Type has an Extra Approver defined with 'Level of Approver' set to 1.AII01194070
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallCorrection to ensure Learning support notifications for new Class Plans are displayed on a Teacher's Rollcall screen, when the user has the 'Learning Support' permission and a valid Class Plan.MAC03193818
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallEnhancement to the 'master' overnight scheduled task to optimise queries used for updating analytics tables used for Student Absences.CEO01193899
Staff Kiosk > RollcallCustom RollsCorrection to ensure students can be removed from a Custom Roll.PAC02193870
Parent Lounge > Student DetailsAttendanceCorrection to ensure that when the Student Absence Notification screen is opened all details are displayed.COL01193061
TASS.web > Student.webACARA Data Extract (Aus)Correction to update the 'Calendar Year' field to numeric format, rather than as text.GRE01193897
TASS.web > Student.webDetails ListingCorrection to ensure that a report is generated when 'WA Transfer Note' selected on the 'Print' tab and the 'Date of Leaving' is blank. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered. Only impacts WA schools.KIN02193746
TASS.web > Student.webLabels/Letter MergesCorrection to ensure that emails can be sent when 'Additional Recipients' are both 'Head of House' and an employee without a teacher code. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered.FAI03193983
TASS.web > Student.webVSR BatchesCorrection to ensure the correct gender fields are used when transmitting information to the VSR. This only impacts Victorian schools.MTS02a194172
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)TASS.web Home PageCorrection to ensure the TASS.web home screen and 'Important Notifications' are displayed for sessions that are already authenticated.VIL01193763
TASS.web > Timetable.webImport DataCorrection to ensure that when importing timetables that contain 4 character class codes an exception report is generated rather than an Oops! Error.TAM01193821
TASS.web > Timetable.webImport Student Subject DataCorrection to ensure the 'Student Code' is set to upper case when importing student subject data. This will ensure the 'Final Result' and 'Overall Subject Grade' will display in webBook.ORM01193896
webBook . webBook PortalMarkbookCorrection to ensure the result can be calculated when calculating from a range to an individual assessment method e.g. 0 - 100 to A - E.STJ11194295
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