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Friendly Release DateOct 27th, 2022
General Release DateNov 7th, 2022

Major Item


Notes: 'Entered By' field to display user's name.

This enhancement makes it easier to see who has entered a Note or a Confidential Note across many areas of TASS.web and Staff Kiosk by displaying the name, rather than the code, of the user who entered the note.

Click here to see all affected Notes areas.


  • Boarders - Notes and Confidential Notes
  • Customer - Notes
  • Donors - Notes
  • Employees - Notes and Confidential Notes
  • Enrolled Parent - Notes and Confidential Notes
  • Enrolled Student - Notes and Confidential Notes
  • Equipment - Notes
  • Fixed Assets - Notes
  • Parent - Notes, Confidential Notes and Account Diary
  • Parent Account Inquiry - Notes, Confidential Notes and Account Diary
  • Partners - Notes
  • Past Students - Notes
  • Students - Notes and Confidential Notes
  • Student Medical - Notes and Confidential Notes
  • Suppliers - Notes
  • Teachers - Notes
  • Communication Logs (information icon tool tip)

Staff Kiosk

  • Student Profile - Notes and Medical Details Notes (information icon tool tip)
  • Student Notes (Lists & Emails) – Additional Fields: Entered by
  • Teacher Details - Notes (information icon tool tip)

Student Medical Records Auditing

The Medical Records Auditing project continues, with additional information being inserted into the Change Logs Grid to track changes made to Student Medical Records.
This update includes auditing for the following two areas:

  • Updates from Parent Lounge: Each time a user accepts a Medical update from Parent Lounge.
  • Medical Conditions: Changes made in TASS.web in the 'Medical Conditions' tab, including when users add, update or delete 'General Details', 'Attachments', 'Medication Requirements' and/or 'Notes'.

The Change Logs Grid can be filtered to display only the changes that have occurred in the Student Medical Conditions area, and each record has a View action showing greater detail of the changes made.

Click here for image.

System Admin > Utilities > Change Logs Grid

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic ReportingResult Formats

Enhancement to the Result Format Summary screen, including:

  • New '+ Add Objective' button in the top right of the grid.
  • New 'View' and 'Edit' icons in the Actions column of existing Objectives.
  • Renaming of existing buttons: 
         '+Add Objective' to '+Create New Objective'.
         '+Add Objective Group' to '+Create New Objective Group'.
         '+Add Assessment Method' to '+Create New Assessment Method'.

Click here for image.

Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup > Results Formats
Edit an existing result format.

TASS.web > MedicalStudent MedicalEnhancement to include audit logging when users add, edit or delete information in the Medical Conditions tab of Student Medical Records. The details will display in the Change Logs Grid.N/A194148
TASS.web > MedicalUpdates from Parent LoungeEnhancement to record the details of the user who accepts Updates from Parent Lounge, where parents have made changes to the student's Medical Details, including General Details, Medical Conditions, Immunisation Register, Immunisations, Medical Practitioners, Supplementary Information or Swimming Level. The details will display in the Change Logs Grid.N/A194440
TASS.web > UtilitiesChange Logs GridEnhancement to record the details when users add, edit or delete information in the Medical Conditions tab of Student Medical Records.N/A194157
TASS.web > Parent AccountsParent StatementsEnhancement to the Parent Code search functionality, where the matching Parent Name may not display if connectivity is lost. If this occurs, a message will display to advise the user 'Parent code search is incomplete. Please review the parent code before proceeding.'INS01194604
TASS.web > ParentsGenerate/Send SMS MessagesUpdated the Print icon to make it consistent with the Print icons in other programs.N/A194557
TASS.web > ParentsParentsUpdated the Print icon in various tabs to make it consistent with the Print icons in other programs.N/A194556
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)NotesEnhancement to display the user's name, rather than their code, in the 'Entered By' field across various TASS.web programs.N/A194481
TASS.web > UsersPortal Security PermissionsEnhancement to the Parent Lounge 'Pastoral Care' permission tool tip text to display 'Student Details > Pastoral Care menu.'N/A194538
TASS.web > APIIdM APIEnhancement to the IdM API to include 'Person position' for the (getParents) endpoint.N/A194571
TASS.web > APILibrary Integration APIEnhancement to the Library Integration API to add a 'ceider' return value in the entity structure for the (getEmployee) and (getEmployees) endpoints.CEO01194611
TASS.web > APIStudent Details APIEnhancement to the Student Details API (getCommunicationRulesDetails) endpoint to include the parent Community Person Numbers.N/A194569
Staff Kiosk > Student DetailsNotesEnhancement to display the user's name, rather than their code, in the Notes areas in Staff Kiosk. This includes the 'Entered By' tooltips on Student Profiles and Teacher Details.N/A194482
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Notes Lists/EmailsEnhancement to the Students Notes (List/Emails) report in Staff Kiosk. When selecting the 'Entered By' Additional Fields option, the name of the user who entered the note will be inserted into the report, rather than the the code of the user.N/A194517






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Academic ReportingGenerate Exit ReportsCorrection to ensure that when Generating Exit Statements, Extra Curricular activities are printed as expected, without resulting in an Oops error.N/A194418
TASS.web > Academic ReportingReport ProcessingCorrection to ensure that the Reference Year Groups display correctly when using the 'Year Group' keyword in emails sent through the Generate Student Reports, Generate Interim Reports and Generate Exit Statements programs.SOM01194598
TASS.web > Accounts PayableInvoice Aging ReportThe Invoice Aging Report has been reviewed and optimised to improve performance.TOO02193719
TASS.web > AttendanceAttendance Rates ReportCorrection to adhere to the Start and End Dates entered when running the Attendance Rates Report.BCC01194595
TASS.web > AttendanceAttendance Rates ReportEnhancement to the Exception report to detail the specific records that are causing the error.N/A194601
TASS.web > Employee/HREmployee/HR SetupCorrection to Security Role Permissions: User access to the 'Roles' link on the 'HR User Defined Areas' tab in the Employee/HR Setup program is through the Employee/HR 'HR User Defined Areas tab' permission (rather than the previous Administration 'User Maintenance' permission).CHR01194472
TASS.web > EnrolmentsEnrolmentsCorrection to ensure that users with the Enrolments permission 'Confidential Notes tab' are able to view confidential notes attachments for Enrolled Parents without encountering an error message.NUD01194358
TASS.web > EnrolmentsEnrolmentsCorrection to ensure that the Reference Year Groups display correctly in emails sent from Enrolment Worksheet when using the 'Year Group' keyword.SOM01194474
TASS.web > General LedgerBank ReconciliationCorrection to the Upload Statement Transactions matching process. The reconciliation screen will display the OK button only when there is one possible match for each transaction, and will not display where multiple possible transactions exist.BAL01194464
TASS.web > Parent AccountsPrint ReceiptsCorrection to ensure that receipts are sent to the associated parent account only, and that parents with the same email address are not sent duplicate attachments.TRI05194588
TASS.web > ParentsParent Records SetupCorrection to fix an error where Deceased Person notifications were not referenced correctly when creating a new TASS companyCAN002194164
TASS.web > PayrollSingle Touch Payroll ProcessingCorrected a spelling error to display 'Deduction' instead of 'Deducation'.ARE01194356
TASS.web > PayrollTimesheetsCorrection to ensure that imported timesheets calculate correctly and do not result in a one cent difference.STM09194530
TASS.web > StudentLabels/Letter MergesCorrection to ensure that the Reference Year Groups display correctly when using the 'Year Group' keyword in emails sent from Labels/Letter Merges.PAR01194509
TASS.web > StudentStudentsCorrection to save edits made to a relationship Tag in the 'Addresses & Comm Rules' tab on a Student Record, rather than reverting to blank upon save.SWA02194590
TASS.web > (General)ASRCorrection to allow the Attendance Self Registration Portal to produce Late Slips when using ColdFusion2021.STL02194635
TASS.web > (General)Class ListsCorrection to display the Preferred Surname on Class Lists where the 'Student Surname Display Preference' setup parameter has been set to 'Preferred Surname'.AUS02194594
TASS.web > (General)Student Photo GalleryCorrection to display student photos in the Student Photo Galley in Staff Kiosk where students have more than one teacher for a class.CEO01194347
TASS.web > (General)AllPerformance improvements to the Teacher Substitutions program.BIS02194679
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)OpenPDF CF2021Correction to ensure that Parent Statements and Print Receipts are formatted properly on PDF documents.N/A194589
TASS.web > Teacher RecordsDaily SubstitutionsEnhancement to the TASS database schema to optimise performance for the Daily Substitutions program.BIS02194686
TASS.web > Teacher RecordsPTI ConferencesCorrection to ensure PTI Conference reports can be printed without receiving an Oops error, in particular, from the 'Subjects' and 'Required Students' tabs.N/A194469
TASS.web > Teacher RecordsPTI ConferencesCorrection to print the correct appointment dates on all PTI printouts regardless of the number of breaks. The incorrect date was being printed on various reports where multiple breaks existed.MTS01194510
TASS.web > APILISS APICorrection to the LISS 'Publish Timetable' sync to remove the non-mandatory TTSTRUCTURE definition requirement.CAM01194511
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Details (List/Emails)Correction to student searching in Staff Kiosk to produce a list of possible results after entering a minimum of three characters.STH01194351
Staff Kiosk > Payroll/HRMy Payroll/HRCorrection to add new validation logic to prevent staff from creating duplicate Timesheet Entries for the same date where the Paycode is set as an allowance or fixed amount type.STM09194438
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallCorrection to allow a user to view student UD Area alerts when viewing Class Rollcalls other than their own, where they have the corresponding permission, regardless of the the class teacher's permissions.ISL02194452
Staff Kiosk > RollcallClass RollcallCorrection to display class rollcalls in Staff Kiosk without receiving Oops errors.ROC01194461
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