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Friendly Release DateSept 22nd, 2022
General Release DateOct 4th, 2022

A summary of the bigger items in this release is included in the table below. Full Release Notes are listed in the tables below the 'Majors'. 

Major Item


Staff Kiosk Ghosting from TASS.web

TASS.web users with the relevant permissions can now log into Staff Kiosk as an employee using the 'Ghost Logon' link available from the employee's TASS.web record. The permissions that have been given to the selected employee will apply to the TASS.web user during the Staff Kiosk session (similar to the current 'Ghost Logon' functionality when logging into Parent Lounge as a parent.)

This enhancement will be valuable for school administrators when trialing or implementing Staff Kiosk programs and settings, allowing them to check functionality prior to rolling out to staff. It will also be helpful when assisting employees who are having issues in Staff Kiosk.

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Key Points:

  • The 'Ghost Logon' link will display on the General tab of the employee's TASS.web record.
  • The Staff Kiosk session will apply the same permissions that have been given to the selected employee.
  • The Audits Log Grid will record the details of the Ghost login and display the text 'GHOST' in the Type column. Hovering over the information icon will display the name of the TASS.web user who ghosted in.
  • Any actions performed in Staff Kiosk will be recorded in the Change Logs Grid against the TASS.web user who ghosted in.

  • Each of the following conditions must be met to enable the 'Ghost Logon' link to a TASS.web user:
    Non-teacher Employees:
       -The ‘Kiosk Password’ is not NULL upon load, and    
       -The TASS.web user has View permission for the ‘---Staff Kiosk Ghosting’ security point and  
       -The TASS.web user has View permission for the ‘---Pay Runs tab’ security point.
    For Teacher Employees:  
       -The linked teacher record has the 'Teacher Kiosk Access’ flag marked as “Yes”, and    
       -The TASS.web user has View permission for the ‘---Staff Kiosk Ghosting’, and  
       -The TASS.web user has View permission for the ‘---Pay Runs tab’ security point.
Staff Kiosk Student Medical List

The Student Medical listing can now be exported as an Excel file. Most of the medical details can be included in the export, and the helpful tool tip informs you on which options should not be selected in order to run the export.

Student Medical - Change Logs Grid

The Change Logs Grid now records changes made to Student Medical records in TASS.web. These include adding, updating or deleting information in the General, Notes, and Confidential Notes tabs. The grid can be filtered on each of these three areas via the Source option, and each record has a View action showing greater detail of the changes made.

Further development will occur in this area to include changes made in other Student Medical tabs.

Community Plus: Repair Enrolled Parent Family Records

This new program is available in Community Plus > Setup Information and allows administrators to identify and fix situations where an Enrolled Parent record exists, but no family link is connecting it to its respective person record. Issues of this type may have been identified when running the ‘Check Community Data’ report and are now easily repairable by an administrator. The repairs are made in the backend; there will be no visible change to parent data.

For more information about this program, refer to CP - Setup Information

What's New?





IMS Ref.

TASS.web > Employee/HREmployeesEnhancement to allow TASS.web users with the relevant permissions to log into Staff Kiosk as an employee. A 'Ghost Logon' link is available on the General tab of an employee's TASS.web record and will open a Staff Kiosk session that will apply the same permissions as the selected employee.N/A194419
TASS.web > UsersSecurity Role PermissionsEnhancement to include a Security Role Permission to allow TASS.web users to use the 'Ghost Logon' link available on the General tab of an employee's TASS.web record to log into Staff Kiosk as the selected employee.N/A194175
TASS.web > UtilitiesAudit Logs GridEnhancement to include a record in the Audit Logs Grid when a TASS.web user uses the 'Ghost Logon' function to log into Staff Kiosk as an Employee. The text 'GHOST' will display in the Type column of the grid and the name of the TASS.web user can be displayed by hovering over the information icon.N/A194337
Staff Kiosk > ListingsStudent Medical (Lists/Emails)Enhancement to the Student Medical Report in Staff Kiosk which can now be exported as an Excel file. A tool tip besides the 'Export to Excel' radio button will list certain fields that must not be selected in order to activate the Export to Excel option.N/A194421
TASS.web > Medical RecordsStudent MedicalEnhancement to include audit logging of changes made to Student Medical records. This includes adding, editing or deleting information in the General, Notes and Confidential Notes tabs.N/A194060
TASS.web > UtilitiesChange Logs GridEnhancement to record an entry in the Change Logs Grid when a TASS.web user edits a Student Medical record. This includes adding, editing or deleting information in the General, Notes and Confidential Notes tabs.N/A194094
TASS.web > Community PlusCheck Community DataEnhancement to include a new program in Community > Setup Information titled 'Repair Enrolled Parent Family Records'. This report allows administrators to identify and fix situations where an Enrolled Parent record exists, but no family link is connecting it to its respective person record.STJ15194116
TASS.web > UsersSecurity Role PermissionsEnhancement to include a new permission for the 'Repair Enrolled Parent Family Records' program. This security point is a View permission located in the Community section of the Security Role Permissions program.N/A194407
TASS.web > APIStudent Details APIEnhancement to add a new endpoint in the Student Details API for getStudentUDArea to return an array of student UD Areas.WOO01194439
TASS.web > UsersPortal Security PermissionsEnhancement of a new Extra Curricular Portal Security Permission: 'Activity Students (Maintain)'. This will allow staff to view Extra Curricular Groups in Staff Kiosk without editing rights.N/A194466






IMS Ref.

TASS.web > AttendanceAttendance Rates ReportCorrection to generate the Attendance Rates Report when any or all of the Absence Type filters are selected.SHE02194406
TASS.web > EnrolmentsEnrolmentsCorrection to remove the Edit icon when in editing mode in an Enrolled Parent record.N/A194364
TASS.web > Extra CurricularActivity GroupsCorrection to clone Extra Curricular Groups across Terms and Semesters successfully. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered where invalid years exist.ROC01194355
TASS.web > PayrollPay Run ResetCorrection to ensure a Pay Run Reset does not complete when 'Lock Errors' occur.MAR02194477
TASS.web > PayrollTimesheetsCorrection to ensure that only timesheets dated within the current payroll period are included in the pay run.KIN01194476
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)Student Records SetupCorrection to prevent Security Roles with the same number code displaying twice in UD Areas > Assigned Security Roles in Student Records Setup and Employee/HR Setup. In addition, when an update occurs to an Assigned Security Role in one of the Setup areas, the Role with the same number Code will not be deleted from the other Setup area.CHR01194431
TASS.web > TASS.web (General)StudentsCorrection to ensure that PHP / HTML appearing in Communication Log entries do not cause layout or usability issues when viewing Student Communication Logs.MAR02194444
Staff Kiosk > TeacherLearning SupportCorrection to allow the Learning Support Adjustment List to be generated for negative year levels. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered when generating this report.SWA02194483
TASS.web > Teacher RecordsPTI ConferencesCorrection to ensure Parent Interview Maintenance is displayed where Parents have adjacent split appointments. This will ensure Oops! Errors are not encountered.MTS03194400
TASS.web > Teacher RecordsPTI ConferencesCorrection to display the user defined Reference Year Groups correctly on all PTI Conference printouts.N/A194422
TASS.web > UsersIdM APICorrection to the IDM API so that the SetParents integration point can create multiple parent user records for the same parent record. Where the parent code and username does not exist, the new combination will be added.MTS03193967
TASS.web > Academic ReportingGenerate Student ReportsCorrection to display images as expected on Student Reports and Exit Statements.TRI05194573
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