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TT - Copy Master Timetable


The Copy Master Timetable program enables you to copy an entire master timetable from a selected year and term/semester to a target year and term/semester. For each cell in the timetable definition, all of the details, including subject, year group, class group, teacher and room, are replicated.

Select your ‘Source Timetable’ and ‘Target Timetable’ and click on the 'GO' button to replicate the source timetable to the target destination.

When using multiple timetables, you must specify Source and Target Timetable ID's (see below). Alternatively, in single timetable mode, the appropriate Year and Term/Semester combinations are entered.


The ‘Target Timetable’ must fall within a Year and/or Term/Semester exceeding the Source Timetable Year and/or Term/Semester. If not, a validation error will occur stating, ‘The Year and Term/Semester values from the Source Timetable must be less than the Target Timetable values', and you will have to reselect a 'Target Timetable’ that conforms to these validation requirements.

The 'Target Timetable' cannot be the same Year and Semester/Term as the Current Timetable.

As a workaround, you could temporarily change the 'Current Year' and 'Current Term/Semester' in TASS.web program Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Timetable' tab to the previous year/period before running this program.

After copying the timetable, ensure the 'Current Year' and 'Current Term/Semester' are reset to the Current Year/Period.

This workaround will alter the current timetable that is visible to users in TASS.web, Staff Kiosk, Parent Lounge, and Student Café. It is best to perform this task outside of regular hours to avoid any potential conflicts with ongoing timetable-related work.

Fields that require detailed information

Source Timetable

The source timetable definition defined in Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Timetable Definitions' tab (multiple timetable mode only). 

Source Year

The Source Year of the timetable you are copying from. 

Source Term/Semester

The Source Term/Semester of the timetable you are copying from.


This field can only be used as a filter if you have set up your timetable to allow the uploading and operation of separate campus timetables.

For more information, refer to How To guide 'Additional Steps Required to Load a Campus-Specific Timetable'.

If you want to copy the master timetable for a single campus, select the appropriate campus from the drop-down list.

Target Timetable

The target timetable definition defined in Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Timetable Definitions' tab (multiple timetable mode only).

Only timetables that have been set up with a calendar will be available in the dropdown list. If a timetable is not appearing here, check that a calendar has been set up using program Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup.

Target Year

The Target Year of the timetable you are copying into.

Target Term/Semester

The target Term/Semester of the timetable you are copying into.

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