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TT - Clash Report

Timesheet Clash Report Overview

Use this program to print student, teacher or room clashes for a designated timetable.

General Tab

Nominate the 'Timetable' and 'Year Group' to check for clashes.

Fields that require further explanation


If your school is operating with multiple timetables, use this field to select the correct timetable.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Timetables are setup using program Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Timetable Definitions' tab.


These will be displayed based on the 'Timetable' selected directly above.

Year Group

Nominate the student year group to check for clashes.

Print Tab

Fields that require detailed information

Student Clashes

Three options are available to include student clashes in your report.

Show All Clashes

Choose this option to display all clashes (where a student is timetabled for more than one subject in a timetable period).

Only Show Clashes With No Override

This option will show clashes that cannot be resolved due to an 'Override'.

An 'Override' can occur:

  • When a student has been timetabled to have two subjects during the one period, and one of the subjects has been set up with a lower 'Timetable Override Priority' value in program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects' tab (than the other subject)
  • Based on an overriding Student/Subject date range. If a student has a special subject that does not run for the entire timetable calendar, a date range can be entered using program Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'Subjects' tab.  

Only Show Clashes With Override

Refer to the definition of an 'Override' directly above.

This option will only include clashes that are resolved by an 'Override'. Therefore it is useful for checking 'priority' and 'date-range' overrides setup against student/subjects.

Teacher Clashes

Choose this option to display all teacher clashes (where a teacher is timetabled for more than one subject in a timetable period).

Room Clashes

Choose this option to display all room clashes (where a room is timetabled for more than one subject in a timetable period).

The 'Clash Report' will be output to AdobeĀ® PDF.


This report does not detect clashes across multiple timetables. Clashes can only be detected within the same timetable.

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