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Transferring Learning Objects

Use this option to transfer ownership of multiple Learning Objects.

To transfer ownership of a single Learning Object, use the ‘Transfer Object’ button in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign). Refer to Transferring Ownership of a Learning Object for more information.

Step 1

Check the 'Transfer Learning Objects' radio button to transfer Learning Objects (Resources, Questions, Online Tests and Activities) owned by one teacher to another.

Fields that require further explanation

Transfer from

Select the teacher who's Learning Objects will be transferred to another teacher.

Only teachers who own Learning Objects in the Learning Object Repository will be displayed in the dropdown list.

Subject Area

This field can be used to filter the Learning Objects that will be included in the transfer.

For example, you may want to transfer only the Learning Objects in a teacher's English folder to another English teacher.

Year Group

This field can be used to filter the Learning Objects that will be included in the transfer.

For example, you may want to transfer only the Learning Objects that apply to Year 6 to another teacher.

Transfer To

Nominate the teacher to whom the Learning Objects will be transferred to.

Only teachers who are current and who have a 'Teacher Kiosk License' will be displayed in the drop-down list.

Click the 'Next' button to proceed to the next step.

Step 2

This screen will provide an overview of the transfer process that is about to take place.

The teacher you are transferring Learning Objects from and the teacher you are transferring these Learning Objects to will be displayed at the top of the screen.


This section of the screen will display:

  • The number of Resources, Questions, Online Tests and Activities, owned by the 'Transfer from' teacher (and matching the filters entered in the previous screen).

  • The number of Resources, Questions, Online Tests and Activities that are currently located in the 'Transfer from' teacher's My Learning Object Repository or the school's Central Repository.

A warning symbol and hover-over message will be displayed when Activities in the 'My Learning Objects' column have been assigned in the current year and semester (or term). It is important to note that these Activities will remain in the 'Transfer from' teacher's Assessment area for marking.

Transfer Acknowledgement

Tick the checkbox(es) to acknowledge that you understand the process that is about to take place.

Click 'GO' to complete the transfer.

The following actions will then take place:

  • The ownership of the Learning Objects will be updated to the 'Transfer to' teacher.

  • For any Resources or Activities assigned in the current year/semester (or term) by the 'Transfer From' teacher, the 'Assigned By' on those records will be updated to the 'Transfer To' teacher.
    This will allow the 'Transfer to' teacher to:

    • Delete a Resource assignment record.

    • Edit a 'Custom Assigned' Resource record.

    • Delete an Activity assignment record.

This process will not transfer the 'Transfer From' teacher's assessment information. Therefore, any Activities that have been assigned will remain in the 'Transfer From' teacher's 'Assessment' area for marking.

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