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TER - Change Teacher Code

This program enables the user to process individual 'Teacher Code' changes.

Changing the Teacher Code for a teacher who is no longer at the school will facilitate the re-use of the original 'Teacher Code'.

The screen displays a 'Teacher Code' field where the current teacher code can be entered or a teacher name selected from the drop-down menu.

Enter the 'New Teacher Code' and select 'Update' to commit your changes to the database.


When a teacher code is changed, all instances of that teacher code throughout the TASS.web database will be changed, with the exception of the 'Entered By' field in 'Notes'. This will affect areas such as the 'Timetable' and 'Fundraising' modules. Where a teacher uses their teacher code as a login for Teacher Kiosk and webBook, their login will also be changed.

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