SLS - GST on Revenue Report
The School Shop ‘GST on Revenue Report’ program enables you to generate a report that provides transaction details and sub-totals by tax code for the period nominated. It can be run for a year and period range or a transaction date range.
If tax codes are set up correctly, this report provides the totals required for the Business Activity Statement (BAS).
Report Criteria
Enter 'Report Criteria' into the 'General' tab to filter the data produced in the report.
The 'Tax Code' field allows multiple selections.
Print Tab
Sort Options
The default is for the report to sort by Tax Code.
Formatting Options
The 'Print' tab allows you to choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.
The 'Print' tab is also used to format the report.
Use the checkboxes to indicate your preference for displaying 'Alternate Row Colours' and 'Table Borders'. The report will be sorted by the 'Tax Code'.
These options can enhance the readability of the report but are not available if the listing destination is Excel®.
The report can be run in 'Summary' mode where totals are produced based on invoices and credit by tax code. Alternatively, it can be run in 'Detailed' mode where all transactions are displayed.
Report Title
This field can be used to enter an alternative name for this report.