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Setup and Run the Queensland RYPS Facility

This program is no longer in use and has been replaced by the QCAA Grid (Qld) program.

Please use TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > QCAA Grid (Qld) program instead.

A brief explanation of RYPS taken from the Queensland Studies Authority website:

From 2006, all young people must be registered with the QSA within one year of turning 15 years of age. Registration will open a Learning Account and a Learner Unique Identifier (LUI) will be generated. Schools and other learning providers will bank the young person's learning achievements for eligibility towards the new Queensland Certificate of Education.

For information regarding RYPS and SLIMS go to

Steps Required to Obtain and Record LUI – Learner Unique Identifiers


Menu Option


  • Task


Student Admin > Student Records > Listings/Reports/Merges > Name and Address Listing

Identify students with an overseas address.

  • Complete


Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information on the 'Country' tab.

Map the country description to a SAAC (Standard Australian Classification of Countries) code.

Important! The spelling and case must be identical to SAAC.

  • Complete


Student Admin> Student Records > Government Returns > RYPS Grid (Qld)

Create a file in a format suitable for uploading into SLIMS.

  • Complete


Upload into SLIMS.

  • Complete


Student Admin> Student Records > Government Returns > RYPS Grid (Qld)

Enter and maintain 'LUI numbers' (learner ID), 'Fulltime' flag and 'YPET' flag.

LUI numbers can be entered manually into the grid or uploaded using the 'Upload LUI Numbers' button.

  • Complete

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