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Setup and Run Tasmanian TASC Export Files

The Tasmanian Assessments, Standards and Certification (TASC) is responsible for issuing the Tasmanian Certificate of Education.  TASC requires Tasmanian schools to submit information regarding their students' personal details and enrolled subjects.

TASS.web has the ability to produce the data required in an Excel format for sending to TASC. 

The files that TASS.web produces for TASC are as follows:

  1. Student Enrolment Data

  2. Student Result Data

Important! The data format that is produced by the export functions has been developed without access to any formal guidelines from the Tasmanian Assessments, Standards and Certification (TASC).

The associated program has therefore been produced based on information provided by a Tasmanian school.

It is important that you independently verify that the data contained in the files produced by this program meets the TASC requirements (e.g: send a test file to them for verification).

Step 1

Use TASS.web program Student Records > Setup Information > Subject Grid to enter an 'Export Code' against subjects that will be included in the following export files:

- Export Results Data
- Export Enrolments Data

The 'Export Code' must be the 'Syllabus Code' provided by the TASC. This is a 9 character alpha/numeric code.

Important!  The first numeric character of the 'Export Code' (fourth character) must be the level of the subject (as outlined by the TASC).  Subject levels range from 1 to 3.

Example – the following TASC Syllabus Code has a subject level of 3 - ACC315111

Step 2

Enter or upload 'TASC ID' numbers for students using TASS.web program Student Records > Government Returns > TASC Grid (Tas)

Step 3

Use TASS.web program Student Records > Government Returns > TASC Grid (Tas) to Export Enrolment Data.

Step 4

Use TASS.web program Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting Setup to:

  • create a 'Reporting period' to enter 'TASC Final Internal Results' against.

  • create the 'Objectives' you are required to report against for 'TASC Final Internal Results'.

  • create the 'Assessment Method' you are required to use to record results for 'TASC Final Results'.

Step 5

Use TASS.web program Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the Result Formats tab to apply the 'Objectives' and 'Assessment Methods' to the subjects you are required to report for to the TASC.

Step 6

Use webBook to enter student results against the reporting period you have set up for TASC Final Internal Results.

Step 7

Use TASS.web program Student Records > Government Returns > TASC Grid (Tas) to Export Results Data.


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