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School Link Categories (Maintain)

Categories are a mandatory field when creating 'School Links' using Staff Kiosk program Links > School Links (Maintain).

This program is used to set up and maintain these categories.

'School Links' will be grouped and displayed for Staff Kiosk, Parent Lounge and Student Café users under these Categories.

Examples of categories might be 'Policies', 'Newsletters' and 'Maps'.

Maintain School Link Categories screen

The 'Maintain School Links Categories' screen will display a list of existing categories.

'Edit' and 'Delete' buttons are available next to each existing 'School Link Category'.

Click the 'Add Category' button to view the 'Category Details – Add' screen.

Fields that require further explanation
Category NumberThis is system generated number and is not editable.

*Category Description

Up to 30 characters.

*Sort Order

This is the order in which 'Categories' will appear listed in Teacher Kiosk, Parent Lounge and Student Café.

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