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Resource Bookings


This is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:

  • Print a list of Resource Bookings.

  • Search for existing Resource Bookings using multiple filters (at the top of the screen).

  • View or Edit an existing Resource Booking.

Resource Booking List Screen

When you access the program, this screen will display a list of the resource bookings that you have access to for the current term/semester.

Use the options at the top to filter the resource bookings by:

  1. Staff member.

Type three or more characters to display matching staff members.

  1. Date Range. 

Click here for more information.

This tool makes it easy to specify a date range based on:

  • Today 

  • Tomorrow 

  • This Week (Monday to Sunday).

  • This Fortnight (Monday to Sunday).

  • This Semester.

  • This Year (Based on the current calendar year) 

Alternatively, you can clear the dates and pick a new 'From' and 'To' range. 

  1. Category.

  2. Campus.

Each resource booking will display a summary of:

  • Date of the resource booking.

  • Start and End Time of the resource booking.

  • The resource that is booked.

  • Who created the resource booking.

  • Who resource booking is for.

  • Comment entered for the resource booking.

  • Displays if the resource booking is a recurring booking or has multiple resources.

To sort by a column click on the column heading. To sort by multiple columns hold down the 'Shift' key and click the second and subsequent columns.

Use the 'Print' button at the top to generate a listing of the resource bookings displayed.

Viewing and Editing an Existing Resource Booking

To view or edit a resource booking, click the 'magnifying glass' icon or 'yellow alert' icon in the 'Action' column.

The 'magnifying glass' icon will be displayed for a resource booking if:

  • You are not the original creator of the resource booking, or

  • You have not been nominated in the 'Booked For' field of the resource booking.

The 'yellow alert' icon will only be available for a resource booking if:

  • You are the original creator of the resource booking, or

  • You have been nominated in the 'Booked For' field of the resource booking.

For details on the 'Resource Booking - Detail' screen, refer to Staff Kiosk program Staff > Resource Booking System.

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