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PR - Issue Payment Summaries

With the introduction of Single Touch Payroll (STP) this program is now redundant and will be disabled.

This program is part of a work-flow. Before using this program, it is important that you have read and understood the 'How to' guide Generate PAYG Payment Summaries.

You would use this program to flag the employee Payment Summaries that have been printed using TASS.web program Finance > Payroll > Year End Processing > Print Payment Summaries as "issued". 

These employees will be "excluded" if you run Finance > Payroll > Year End Processing > Extract Pay Summary Data again.

The program has a check to ensure that Payment Summaries have been printed for all extracted employee data for the Tax Year. The program will produce a warning 'There are Unprinted Payment Summaries for YYYY. You must print these Payment Summaries before they can be Issued'.  In this case, you need to go back to TASS.web program Finance > Payroll > Year End Processing > Print Payment Summaries (Hint - Check that there are no ETP Payment Summaries that require printing).

You need to tick the 'Acknowledgement' box and then click the 'GO' button to generate your Payment Summaries.

When the update is completed a dialogue message “Payment Summaries have been issued successfully” will be displayed.

Payment Summaries will now be available through Staff Kiosk for employees who have been set up to receive them electronically.

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