PR - Create Bank File
The ‘Create Bank File’ program is used to create a payments file in the ABA (Australian Banking Association) format, suitable for uploading into your banking software.
General Tab
Step | Details |
1 | Tick the checkbox(s) next to the payroll(s) for which you intend to create the bank file. If you have more than one payroll processed to this stage, selecting both will produce a combined bank file. Important! If a restore of payroll is required and a combined bank file was generated, the restore must be completed for all payrolls the bank file was created for. |
2 | Enter the 'Bank File Processing Date'. Very Important! This is a critical date. You should check during your first upload into your bank software if this date is used or whether the banking software defaults to its own (current) date. One of the bank's upload programs ignores this date and defaults to the current date whilst giving you the ability to nominate a forward date before processing the payments. Either way, you should take care to make sure that the date that the pays have to be processed on is reflected in your banking software before submitting the payment file. The 'Debit Entry' checkbox will determine if the ABA file will include a counterbalancing total at the end of the file. Certain financial institutions require this line in their file. When the 'Financial Institution Code' applied against the bank account that you are using for this payment run is CBA, the program will default this checkbox to ticked. When the 'Financial Institution Code' applied against the bank account that you are using for this payment run is ANZ, NAB or WBC (or any other) the program will default this checkbox to unticked. 'Financial Institution Code' is set up in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Parameters' tab. If you are not using ANZ, CBA, NAB or WBC please contact the financial institution directly to find out their file format requirement. Click the 'GO' button. |
3 | Click on the 'Download Now' button. This will create an ABA file (Australian Banking Association) file suitable for use with your desktop banking product. You should 'Save' this file in the appropriate network directory that is used by your banking product. |
4 | Click 'Close' on the file save message after saving and then upload the ABA payment file into your bank's software. |
You can click the 'History' icon to generate an audit trail style report of all of the bank files. Click the 'View' link on this report to download a copy of the selected bank file. |
History Button
TASS.web keeps a history of bank files created. To access this history click on the 'History' button at the top of the 'Create Bank File' screen.
You can access the history in either of two formats:
PDF document. This format is best for printing the history of previously generated bank files.
Screen with Hyperlinks. This format is best if you need to 'drill-down' to download the attached file. Click on the 'View' link in the 'Attachments' column.