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PAS - Past Students Grid Entry

Past Students Grid Entry Overview

This program provides a tool to update multiple past student records. You would use this program instead of Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students when there is a need to change more than one record in the database.

It populates the data into a grid where data can be modified in bulk within the columns.

General and User Defined Tabs

Fields from the 'General' and 'User Defined' tab can be used as selection criteria to filter the returned data. These tabs are similar to those in Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students.

The date picker calendar icons displayed in the 'General' tab are date range pickers and allows the entry of a date range, e.g. All past students with a 'Date of Birth' date between 01/01/06 and 31/12/06.

The orange drop-down arrows in the 'General' and 'User Defined' tabs allow more than one selection to be made.

Process Tab

The 'Process' tab controls the columns that will display in your data grid. Select the fields to include in your data grid by highlighting them with a mouse-click. Fields automatically loaded include 'Student Code' 'Surname' and 'Given Name'.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows individual selection of additional fields.

Sorting options are available by selecting the radio button on the left of the screen. These options include 'Student Code', 'Surname', 'Alumni Year' and 'Occupation'.

When the grid is populated, data will be displayed within columns.

Each row contains data from a master record matching your search criteria, and each column is a field matching your additional fields from the 'Process' Tab.

Click an individual cell to make a change.

If you are editing a table-referenced field that requires a code to be entered, click into the cell and either use the dropdown list or key in the code.


Use the 'Fill Down' button to replicate the same data down the column.

If you make a mess, use the 'Restore' button to undo your changes. Unsaved data will be lost.

  • The data will be restored to the last 'Save'.
  • If you have not yet saved, the data will be restored to the way it was when you loaded the Grid.

To sort by a column, click on the column heading. To sort by multiple columns use shift-click in the second and subsequent columns that you want to sort by.

To add a new column to your grid without having to go back to the previous screen, right-click on any column heading.

Select 'Save' to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.


Always be careful when using data grids. They can update a lot of data in the database very quickly!

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