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PAC - Add/Transfer Deposits


Add/Transfer Deposits is a multi-purpose program that enables you to create new enrolment deposits and transfer existing ones from older siblings to younger siblings.

  1. The ‘New’ button allows the entry of a deposit directly for current students. You would use this program to add deposits if the deposit was not entered through the future Enrolments module and subsequently transferred, or if your school does not use the Enrolments module at all. It can also be used for deposit adjustments.

  2. The Transfer Deposit option enables the transfer of a student deposit from an older student to a younger student in the family. The first option, Transfer to Next Sibling, facilitates the transfer of an enrolment deposit from an older sibling to the next youngest sibling. The Transfer to Youngest Sibling facilitates the transfer from the oldest sibling to the youngest.

Adding a New Student Deposit

To add a new student deposit click on the 'New' icon at the top of the screen. 

Fields that require further explanation

Receipt Number

This can be used to reference back to a manual receipt number or a sundry receipt number that has been entered through Finance > Parent Accounts > Receipting > Receipts.

The program will warn you if you have already used the receipt number for that student.

Deposit Amount

This field will accept negative values to accommodate adjustments to the deposit amount held for the student.

Transferring a Student Deposit

The ‘Transfer Deposits – Sibling Option’ panel is used to determine which student in the family the deposit receipt is to be transferred to. It can be used when the oldest sibling is leaving the school to either transfer the deposit from the oldest to the next sibling by age or from the oldest to the youngest sibling. (Deposit receipts can be initiated through the enrolment process as 'D' = Deposit type receipts or entered directly on to a current student record as described in the 'Adding a new student deposit' section directly above).

The 'Criteria for Enrolled Siblings' panel includes selectable fields to use in the circumstances where the next oldest or the youngest is not necessarily the student to which the deposit will be transferred. As an example, you may want the deposit transferred to the youngest in the family but only if the youngest is entering in year 1 in 2009. Otherwise, the deposit should go to an alternative sibling.

Click the 'Next' button to display the 'Transfer Deposits to Siblings' screen. The students displayed in this screen will have a status of 'F' = Finished, have a deposit amount greater than zero and have a sibling either as a current student or as an enrolled student within the family. These students' will appear in the 'Transfer FROM sibling' column.  The student to which the deposit will be transferred to will be displayed in the 'Transfer TO sibling' column.

Use the 'Delete' button to remove any students that you do not want to include in the transfer. 

Click the 'GO' button to proceed with the transfer. A 'Transfer Deposit Listing' will be produced, detailing the deposits that have been successfully transferred.

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