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Lessons Missed (Bar Graph)


This Staff Kiosk analytic displays a Bar Graph showing the number of lessons that the student has missed for each subject.

The last data update date/time for this analytic is displayed in the heading. Any student data that has been entered or updated after this date/time will not be included in the analytic.

It can display in two modes based on whether 'by Subject', or 'by Week' has been selected.

  1. 'by Subject' mode: This mode will show the number of lessons missed for each subject during the selected semester/term.

  2. 'by Week' mode: This mode will show the number of lessons missed each week separated into subjects for the selected semester/term.

Individual subjects can be hidden or unhidden by clicking the subject's radio button within the graph's legend area.  

For example:

Double-clicking a subject within the legend area will hide all subjects from the graph except the one being clicked.

You can hover over various sections of the Bar Graph to see further details. You can also click on those sections to drill-down to a detailed list of the related absentees.

You can interact with Bar Graph by changing:

  • The Mode ('by Subject' or 'by Week').

  • The Acceptable Reason filter ('All Reasons', 'Unacceptable Reasons' or 'Acceptable Reasons').

  • The Timetable.

'Lessons Missed' is calculated by using:

  • The subjects currently being studied by the student.

  • The student's attendance data.

  • The current timetable.

  • The current timetable calendar.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

There are specific setup requirements for attendance capture to ensure the accurate recording of attendance data.

Refer to the TASS.web guide How To > Staff Kiosk > How to Setup for Staff Kiosk Online Attendance Capture.

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