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How to Setup a Cash Flow Statement





General Ledger > Listings & Reports > Cash Flow Statement

Review the example of a Cash Flow Statement in the on-line help for program General Ledger > Listings & Reports > Cash Flow Statement.

In particular it is important to understand the following terms:

  • 'Groups'

  • 'Line Items'

  • 'Inflows'

  • 'Outflows'


General Ledger > Setup Information > General Ledger Setup

Enable reporting code 7 on the 'Reporting Codes' tab.

Add the actual codes and descriptions for the Cash flow Statement 'Groups'.  Refer to examples of possible reporting code 7 'Groups' in the on-line help.


General Ledger > Setup Information > General Ledger Setup

Enable reporting code 8 on the 'Reporting Codes' tab.

Add the actual codes and descriptions for the Cash flow Statement 'Inflows'.  Refer to examples of possible reporting code 8 'Inflows' line items in the on-line help.


General Ledger > Setup Information > General Ledger Setup

Enable reporting code 9 on the 'Reporting Codes' tab.

Add the actual codes and descriptions for the Cash flow Statement 'Outflows'.  Refer to examples of possible reporting code 9 'Outflows' line items in the on-line help.


General Ledger > Account & Journal Information > Accounts Grid Entry

Attach the appropriate reporting code 7 heading to all GL codes in the Chart of Accounts using the ‘Reporting Codes Grid’.


General Ledger > Account & Journal Information > Accounts Grid Entry

Attach the appropriate reporting code 8 heading to GL codes for ‘Cash Inflows' in the Chart of Accounts using the 'Reporting Codes Grid’.


General Ledger > Account & Journal Information > Accounts Grid Entry

Attach the appropriate reporting code 9 heading to GL codes for 'Cash Outflows' in the Chart of Accounts using the 'Reporting Codes Grid'.


General Ledger > Listings & Reports > Cash Flow Statement

Setup the parameters for your Cash Flow Statement.

Follow the instructions in the on-line help in the 'Report Parameters' section.


General Ledger > Listings & Reports > Cash Flow Statement

Run the report using the 'Cash Flow Statement' option.

If there are any errors, run the report using the 'Report Mappings' option.

Revisit Steps 4 to 6 to correct errors and re-run the report using the 'Cash Flow Statement' option.

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