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How to Change an Employee from Casual to Full Time


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Payroll > Employee Information > Employees

Change the 'Employment Status' on the 'General' tab and change the 'Employment Status' field to 'Full Time'.



Payroll > Employee Information > Employees

Change the 'Rate Code' on the 'Payroll Details' tab and change the 'Rate Code' field to '1 – Ordinary'.



Payroll > Employee Information > Employees > 'Payroll Details' tab

Change the 'Base Hours' on the 'Payroll Details' tab and change the 'Base Hours' to the appropriate amount.  Eg: 76 for an administration person on a fortnightly payroll or 60 for a teacher on a fortnightly payroll.



Payroll > Employee Information > Employees > 'Payroll Details' tab.

Check the 'Automatic Pay' box on the 'Payroll Details' tab.



Payroll > Employee Information > Employees > 'Permanent Pays' tab.

Edit the employees permanent pay details on the 'Permanent Pays' tab.

Delete the casual pay code (if one already exists) and add ordinary pay.



Payroll > Employee Information > Employees > 'Accruals' tab.

Check the employee's leave accruals on the 'Accruals' tab.

You must ensure that the leave accruals that the employee will be entitled to as a full timer are displayed in this tab.  If an accrual is not present, you should add it and enter the 'Commencement Date' as the date the employee commenced as a full time employee.


 Important!  If the employee was not entitled to Long Service Leave as a casual, but they will be as a full timer, you must enter both 'LSN' (Long Service – Non current) and 'LSC' (Long Service – Current) codes.

Important!  If step 6 is not done, accruals will not calculate correctly because the system will use the employee's start date to derive the number of service years and anniversary.  However, doing step 6 means that the number of service years and anniversary will be derived from the employee's accrual 'commencement date'.

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