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Extra Curricular List – Student

Extra Curricular List – Student Overview

This is a multi-purpose program that allows you to:

  • Produce a report/export with detail of student extra curricular activity in various formats:
    • A single student's extra curricular history (for a selected period or entire history).
    • A group of students' ('Year Group', 'Form Class', 'PC/Tutor Group', 'Boarders', 'House', 'Campus')  extra curricular activities for a selected period.
    • By activity — detailing all of the students involved.
    • A report for a group of students involved in an activity that includes (and is sorted by) school defined fields. An example of this could be a bus list.
  • Generate emails to a group of students involved in an activity.
  • Generate emails to the parents of students involved in an activity.

This listing enables you to generate a report.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria can be entered in the top panel of the 'Extra-Curricular Listing Search' screen to filter the number of records that will be displayed in the report.

Fields that require further explanation

Activity Type

The functionality in this field changes if the 'Search using Activity Type UD' checkbox is ticked.

  1. 'Search using Activity Type UD' checkbox is unticked.
    'Activity Type' is available as a multi-select field, e.g. You could run the report for students involved in activities with a 'Type' of 'Office Held' and 'Community Service'.


    The other selection criteria that you enter on this screen will also be taken into account when determining the data to include on your report. Therefore, if you enter an 'Activity' as a selection criterion that does not belong to the 'Activity Type' that you enter in this field, then your report will not return any data.

  2. 'Search using Activity Type UD' checkbox is ticked.
    'Activity Type' becomes a single-select field and the associated 'Activity Type UD Fields' for the 'Activity Type' that you choose, become available when it is selected. 

Sort By

Sort the order in which the records are displayed by nominating your preference:

  • Student Name.

  • Year Group.

  • PC/Tutor Group.

  • Year Group/ Form Class.

  • Boarder Status.

  • House.

Formatting Options

You can include an indication on the report for every student who is a boarder by ticking the 'Indicate Boarders' checkbox. Students who are boarders will print with an Asterisk after their name.

The drop-down list allows you to determine whether the report will display the students' 'Given Name', 'Preferred Name' or 'Both'. 

Fields that require further explanation

Group By

The option that you choose here will determine the layout of the report:

  1. 'Activity'.
    This will produce the report based on the selection criteria you have entered above, broken down by activities or teams, e.g. Hockey A Grade, Hockey B Grade.

    If you chose this option you can also elect to create a page break at each change in activity or team. Use the 'Page Break by Activity' checkbox.

  2. 'Student Descending' or 'Student Ascending'.
    This will produce the report based on the selection criteria you have entered above, broken down by student, e.g. Andy Clark; School Captain, Hockey A Grade, and Choir.

    If you chose this option you can also elect to create a page break based on your 'Sort By' selection. Use the 'Page Break by Sort By' checkbox.

Select from a range of formatting options specific to your choice of the technology used. These options include: 'Display Table Borders', 'Table Row Striping' and 'Page Break' options that are determined by the 'Group By' field.

There is also an option to have the listing include the attendance status for each student on a particular date. Tick the 'Attendance Status' checkbox and the 'Attendance Date' will default to today's date.

You can change this to a different date if required.

Additional Fields

Select 'Additional Fields' to include in the listing by highlighting them with a mouse-click. The 'Student Code', 'Student Name', 'Year Level', PC Tutor Group and 'House' fields are automatically included and are not available for selection.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.

If you have selected to run this report for a particular activity (e.g. Hockey), by using the 'Activity' field in the 'Selection Criteria' section of the report, then the names of the 'Activity Specific UD Fields' can be included on your report.

Export Options

These include:

  • Export to PDF.

  • Export to Excel®.

  • Export to Word®.

  • Generating Emails.

You can elect to generate emails to the students and/or parents based on your selections above. 

Click the 'Next' button.

Click here for details on generating emails.

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