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ENR - Viewing and Editing Enrolment Records

To view or edit future enrolment records, use the Picker Screens or Search Engine to search for records in the database.


Searchable fields for the picker are:

  • Enrolled/Cancelled/Transferred.

  • Boarder.

  • Entry Year/Entry Year Group.

  • Gender. 

  • House

  • Campus.

Click the 'Go' button (or press 'Enter') to execute the search and populate the Enrolment Picker with the matching records.

Once a future student has been selected from the picker a summary of the record will appear in the 'Summary Information' pane. The 'View' or 'Edit' buttons can be selected for either the enrolled parent or enrolled student record to populate the multi-tabbed 'Enrolment' screen.

Search Engine

Enter a search string directly into the 'Search' field at the top right of the screen. Click on the 'Binoculars' icon or press 'Enter' key to execute the search.

The searchable fields are:

Student Code, Parent Type, Student Type, Parent Code, Parent Surname, Date of Leaving, Address Line 1, Address Line  2, Address Line 3, Town/Suburb, State Code, Post Code, Home Phone, Business Phone, Mobile Phone, Student Surname, Student Preferred  Surname, Student First Name, Student Preferred Name, Student Other Names, Entry Year, Entry Year Group, Boarder, Cancelled Flag and Date of Entry.

The 'Search Results' pane will display the matching records. Highlight the record that you require and click the 'View' or 'Edit' buttons can be selected for either the future student or parent record to populate the multi-tabbed Enrolment screen.

If you have elected to view/edit the parent record and then need to view/edit the student record, you do not need to reselect from scratch. If you have selected the 'Enrolled Parent' screen there is a link back to the 'Enrolled Student' record on the 'Child Details' tab. If you have selected the 'Enrolled Student' screen there is a link back to the 'Enrolled Parent' record on the 'General Tab'. If you are editing either record make sure you have saved your changes before using these links or your changes will not be committed to the database.

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