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ENR - Enrolment Religions Listing


The Enrolment Religions Listing program enables the user to produce two listings:

  1. The 'All Religions' listing displays the list of religions for future (enrolled) students who match the search criteria selected (for those who have not been transferred to current students).

  2. The 'Group by Entry Year Group and Religion Category' listing, a more detailed alternative, displays a count of enrolled students for each year group who match the search criteria selected (who have not been transferred to current students). Those enrolled students who do not have an 'Entry Year Group' will be excluded from this report.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

Access to the TASS.web Enrolment Religions Listing program is controlled by Enrolments permissions on the 'Enrolment Religions Listing' security point.

To enable this function use TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions.

General, Status and UD Tabs

Fields from the 'General' and 'User Defined' tab can be used as selection criteria to filter the returned data. These tabs are similar to those displayed in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments.

The 'Calendar with arrow icon' allows the entry of a date range, e.g. All future enrolments with an 'Application Date between 01/01/06 and 31/12/06. The 'Entry Year' field also includes a number range picker.

Drop-down menu arrows next to selected fields in the 'General' and 'User Defined' tabs indicate that more than one selection can be made.


The 'Status' tab can be used to select a group of future enrolled students at a particular stage in the enrolment cycle.

Print Tab

Fields that require further explanation

Sort By

Religion (the default option).

When active and selected, the 'All Religions' report layout will be sorted by 'Religion Description'.

If the 'Group by Entry Year Group and Religion Category' report option is selected, this field will be greyed out (i.e. will be unavailable).

Religion codes, descriptions, and categories are all set up using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Student Record Setup on the 'Religions' tab. 


When active and selected, the 'All Religions' report layout will be sorted by 'Enrolled Student Total'.

If the 'Group by Entry Year Group and Religion Category' report option is selected, this field will be greyed out (i.e. will be unavailable).

Report Options

All Religions (the default selection).

Choose this option to generate a list using the 'All Religions' layout.

Group by Entry Year Group and Religion Category.

Choose this option to generate a more detailed listing using the 'Group by Entry Year Group and Religion Category' layout.

Formatting Options

Choose to print the report as a PDF or export to Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

Export to PDF is the default setting.

There are also checkboxes to indicate your preference for displaying 'Table Borders' and 'Alternative Row Colours'. These can enhance readability but are not available if your listing destination is Excel®.

Report Title

This field can be used to enter an alternative name for this report.

Save this Configuration as

If this field is populated with a value and you click 'GO', the current report/export settings will be saved using the configuration name entered in this field.

Click 'Go' to generate the report or 'Cancel' to return to the previous screen.

Report Results

All Religions

Column #





This is the Religion Code (as defined in the 'Student Record Setup' program).


Religion Description

This is the description given to the religion (as defined in the 'Student Record Setup' program).


Enrolled Student Total

Displays the count of students who match the search criteria for each religion.


Total Enrolled Student %

Displays the percentage of students with this religion using the value from the 'Enrolled Student Total' column and the total number of enrolled students who match the search criteria.

Group by Entry Year Group and Religion Category

Column #




Entry Year Group

This will be all year groups in the range defined by the 'Minimum Year Group' and 'Maximum Year Group' fields on the 'School' tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup.

They will be displayed in in numeric order e.g. -3 to 12.


Enrolled Students

Displays the total number of enrolled students who match the search criteria selected and who have not been transferred to current for each 'Entry Year Group'.


[Religion Category Description] Students

Displays a count of students who have a religion belonging to this category for each year group.


[Religion Category Description] %

Displays the count from the previous column for each year group expressed as a percentage of the number of students displayed in the Enrolled Students column for each year group.


Other Students

Displays a count of students who have a religion that has not been assigned to a category for each year group.


Other %

Displays the count from the previous column for each year group expressed as a percentage of the number of students displayed in the Enrolled Students column for each year group.


No Religion

Displays a count of students who have no religion for each year group.


No Religion %

Displays the count from the previous column for each year group expressed as a percentage of the number of students displayed in the 'Enrolled Students' column for each year group.

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