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ENR - Deleting Enrolment Records

Step 1

Go to the 'Status' tab on the Enrolled Student record and change the 'Cancelled' flag to 'Yes' and enter the 'Cancellation date'.


Enrolments with financial data attached are not able to be deleted. They will need to remain as a 'Cancelled Enrolment'.

Step 2

If this is the only Enrolled Student record for this Enrolled Parent record.

Go to the Enrolled Parent record and click the 'Delete' button.

This will delete both the Enrolled Parent and Enrolled Student record.

If this is the second (or subsequent) Enrolled Student record for this Enrolled Parent record.

Go to the Enrolled Student record and click the 'Delete' button.

If this is an Enrolled Student record for a Current Parent record (the enrolled student has siblings who are current students at the school).

Go to the Enrolled Student record and click the 'Delete' button.

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